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Polarization Saturation in Strained Ferroelectrics

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 Added by Yanpeng Yao
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using density-functional calculations we study the structure and polarization response of tetragonal PbTiO3, BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 in a strain regime that is previously overlooked. Different from common expectations, we find that the polarizations in all three substances saturate at large strains, demonstrating a universal phenomenon. The saturation is shown to originate from an unusual and strong electron-ion correlation that leads to cancellation between electronic and ionic polarizations. Our results shed new insight on the polarization properties, and reveal the existence of a fundamental limit to the strain-induced polarization enhancement.

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Strain engineering of perovskite oxide thin films has proven to be an extremely powerful method for enhancing and inducing ferroelectric behavior. In ferroelectric thin films and superlattices, the polarization is intricately linked to crystal structure, but we show here that it can also play an important role in the growth process, influencing growth rates, relaxation mechanisms, electrical properties and domain structures. We have studied this effect in detail by focusing on the properties of BaTiO$_{3}$ thin films grown on very thin layers of PbTiO$_{3}$ using a combination of x-ray diffraction, piezoforce microscopy, electrical characterization and rapid in-situ x-ray diffraction reciprocal space maps during the growth using synchrotron radiation. Using a simple model we show that the changes in growth are driven by the energy cost for the top material to sustain the polarization imposed upon it by the underlying layer, and these effects may be expected to occur in other multilayer systems where polarization is present during growth. Our research motivates the concept of polarization engineering during the growth process as a new and complementary approach to strain engineering.
Consecutive stochastic 90{deg} polarization switching events, clearly resolved in recent experiments, are described by a new nucleation and growth multi-step model. It extends the classical Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi approach and includes possible consecutive 90{deg}- and parallel 180{deg}-switching events. The model predicts the results of simultaneous time-resolved macroscopic measurements of polarization and strain, performed on a tetragonal Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramic in a wide range of electric fields over a time domain of five orders of the magnitude. It allows the determination of the fractions of individual switching processes, their characteristic switching times, activation fields, and respective Avrami indices.
A stochastic model for the field-driven polarization reversal in rhombohedral ferroelectrics is developed, providing a description of their temporal electromechanical response. Application of the model to simultaneous measurements of polarization and strain kinetics in a rhombohedral Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramic over a wide time window allows identification of preferable switching paths, fractions of individual switching processes, and their activation fields. Complementary, the phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg-Devenshire theory is used to analyze the impact of external field and stress on switching barriers showing that residual mechanical stress may promote the fast switching.
133 - S. Zhukov , J. Glaum , H. Kungl 2016
Statistical distribution of switching times is a key information necessary to describe the dynamic response of a polycrystalline bulk ferroelectric to an applied electric field. The Inhomogeneous Field Mechanism (IFM) model offers a useful tool which allows extraction of this information from polarization switching measurements over a large time window. In this paper, the model was further developed to account for the presence of non-switchable regions in fatigued materials. Application of the IFM- analysis to bipolar electric cycling induced fatigue process of various lead-based and lead-free ferroelectric ceramics reveals different scenarios of property degradation. Insight is gained into different underlying fatigue mechanisms inherent to the investigated systems.
A stochastic model of electric field-driven polarization reversal in orthorhombic ferroelectrics is advanced, providing a description of their temporal electromechanical response. The theory accounts for all possible parallel and sequential switching events. Application of the model to the simultaneous measurements of polarization and strain kinetics in a lead-free orthorhombic (K,Na)NbO3-based ferroelectric ceramic over a wide timescale of 7 orders of magnitude allowed identification of preferable polarization switching paths, fractions of individual switching processes, and their activation fields. Particularly, the analysis revealed substantial contributions of coherent non-180{deg} switching events, which do not cause macroscopic strain and thus mimic 180{deg} switching processes.
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