The limb-darkened Arcturus; Imaging with the IOTA/IONIC interferometer

Abstract in English

This paper is an H band interferometric examination of Arcturus, a star frequently used as a spatial and spectral calibrator. Using the IOTA 3 telescope interferometer, we performed spectro-interferometric observation (R~35) of Arcturus. Atmospheric models and prescriptions were fitted to the data to derive the brightness distribution of the photosphere. Image reconstruction was also obtained using two software algorithms: Wisard and Mira. An achromatic power law proved to be a good model of the brightness distribution, with a limb darkening compatible with the one derived from atmospheric model simulations using our Marcs model. A Rosseland diameter of 21.05+/-0.21 was derived, corresponding to an effective temperature of T_eff=4295+/-26 K. No companion was detected from the closure phases, with an upper limit on the brightness ratio of 8e-4 at 1AU. Dynamic range at such distance from the photosphere was established at 1.5e-4 (1sigma rms). An upper limit of 1.7e-3 was also derived for the level of brightness asymmetries present on the photosphere.
