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We study the possible origin of Friedberg-Lee symmetry. First, we propose the generalized Friedberg-Lee symmetry in the potential by including the scalar fields in the field transformations, which can be broken down to the FL symmetry spontaneously. We show that the generalized Friedberg-Lee symmetry allows a typical form of Yukawa couplings, and the realistic neutrino masses and mixings can be generated via see-saw mechanism. If the right-handed neutrinos transform non-trivially under the generalized Friedberg-Lee symmetry, we can have the testable TeV scale see-saw mechanism. Second, we present two models with the $SO(3)times U(1)$ global flavour symmetry in the lepton sector. After the flavour symmetry breaking, we can obtain the charged lepton masses, and explain the neutrino masses and mixings via see-saw mechanism. Interestingly, the complete neutrino mass matrices are similar to those of the above models with generalized Friedberg-Lee symmetry. So the Friedberg-Lee symmetry is the residual symmetry in the neutrino mass matrix after the $SO(3)times U(1)$ flavour symmetry breaking.
Assuming the Majorana nature of massive neutrinos, we generalize the Friedberg-Lee neutrino mass model to include CP violation in the neutrino mass matrix M_ u. The most general case with all the free parameters of M_ u being complex is discussed. We show that a favorable neutrino mixing pattern (with theta_12 approx 35.3^circ, theta_23=45^circ, theta_13 eq 0^circ and delta=90^circ) can naturally be derived from M_ u, if it has an approximate or softly-broken mu-tau symmetry. We also point out a different way to obtain the nearly tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing pattern with delta=0^circ and non-vanishing Majorana phases.
We construct a modification of the standard model which stabilizes the Higgs mass against quadratically divergent radiative corrections, using ideas originally discussed by Lee and Wick in the context of a finite theory of quantum electrodynamics. The Lagrangian includes new higher derivative operators. We show that the higher derivative terms can be eliminated by introducing a set of auxiliary fields; this allows for convenient computation and makes the physical interpretation more transparent. Although the theory is unitary, it does not satisfy the usual analyticity conditions.
We develop a general framework for the evaluation of $d$-dimensional cut Feynman integrals based on the Baikov-Lee representation of purely-virtual Feynman integrals. We implement the generalized Cutkosky cutting rule using Cauchys residue theorem and identify a set of constraints which determine the integration domain. The method applies equally well to Feynman integrals with a unitarity cut in a single kinematic channel and to maximally-cut Feynman integrals. Our cut Baikov-Lee representation reproduces the expected relation between cuts and discontinuities in a given kinematic channel and furthermore makes the dependence on the kinematic variables manifest from the beginning. By combining the Baikov-Lee representation of maximally-cut Feynman integrals and the properties of periods of algebraic curves, we are able to obtain complete solution sets for the homogeneous differential equations satisfied by Feynman integrals which go beyond multiple polylogarithms. We apply our formalism to the direct evaluation of a number of interesting cut Feynman integrals.
Lee-Yang zeros are points on the complex plane of magnetic field where the partition function of a spin system is zero and therefore the free energy diverges. Lee-Yang zeros and their generalizations are ubiquitous in many-body systems and they fully characterize the analytic properties of the free energy and hence thermodynamics of the systems. Determining the Lee-Yang zeros is not only fundamentally important for conceptual completeness of thermodynamics and statistical physics but also technically useful for studying many-body systems. However, Lee-Yang zeros have never been observed in experiments, due to the intrinsic difficulty that Lee-Yang zeros would occur only at complex values of magnetic field, which are unphysical. Here we report the first observation of Lee-Yang zeros, by measuring quantum coherence of a probe spin coupled to an Ising-type spin bath. As recently proposed, the quantum evolution of the probe spin introduces a complex phase factor, and therefore effectively realizes an imaginary magnetic field on the bath. From the measured Lee-Yang zeros, we reconstructed the free energy of the spin bath and determined its phase transition temperature. This experiment demonstrates quantum coherence probe as a useful approach to studying thermodynamics in the complex plane, which may reveal a broad range of new phenomena that would otherwise be inaccessible if physical parameters are restricted to be real numbers.
We demonstrate that amplitudes describing scattering of longitudinally polarized massive vector bosons present in non-Abelian Lee-Wick gauge theory do not grow with energy and, hence, satisfy the constraints imposed by perturbative unitarity. This result contrasts with the widely-known violation of perturbative unitarity in the standard model with a very heavy Higgs. Our conclusions are valid to all orders of perturbation theory and depend on the existence of a formulation of the theory in which all operators are of dimension four or less. This can be thought of as a restriction on the kinds of higher dimension operator which can be included in the higher derivative formulation of the theory.