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Quasi-Minimal, Pseudo-Minimal Systems and Dense Orbits

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 Added by Christian Pries
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We give a short discussion about a weaker form of minimality (called quasi-minimality). We call a system quasi-minimal if all dense orbits form an open set. It is hard to find examples which are not already minimal. Since elliptic behaviour makes them minimal, these systems are regarded as parabolic systems. Indeed, we show that a quasi-minimal homeomorphism on a manifold is not expansive (hyperbolic).

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We develop a technique, pseudo-suspension, that applies to invariant sets of homeomorphisms of a class of annulus homeomorphisms we describe, Handel-Anosov-Katok (HAK) homeomorphisms, that generalize the homeomorphism first described by Handel. Given a HAK homeomorphism and a homeomorphism of the Cantor set, the pseudo-suspension yields a homeomorphism of a new space that admits a homeomorphism that combines features of both of the original homeomorphisms. This allows us to answer a well known open question by providing examples of hereditarily indecomposable continua that admit homeomorphisms of intermediate complexity. Additionally, we show that such examples occur as minimal sets of volume preserving smooth diffeomorphisms of 4-dimensional manifolds. We also use our techniques to exhibit the first examples of minimal, uniformly rigid and weakly mixing homeomorphisms in dimension $1$, and these can also be realized as invariant sets of smooth diffeomorphisms of a 4-manifold. Until now the only known examples of spaces that admit minimal, uniformly rigid and weakly mixing homeomorphisms were modifications of those given by Glasner and Maon in dimension at least $2$.
In this article, we show that R.H. Bings pseudo-circle admits a minimal non-invertible map. This resolves a problem raised by Bruin, Kolyada and Snoha in the negative. The main tool is the Denjoy-Rees technique, further developed by Beguin-Crovisier-Le Roux, combined with detailed study into the structure of the pseudo-circle.
In this article we give necessary and sufficient conditions that a complex number must satisfy to be a continuous eigenvalue of a minimal Cantor system. Similarly, for minimal Cantor systems of finite rank, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for having a measure theoretical eigenvalue. These conditions are established from the combinatorial information of the Bratteli-Vershik representations of such systems. As an application, from any minimal Cantor system, we construct a strong orbit equivalent system without irrational eigenvalues which shares all measure theoretical eigenvalues with the original system. In a second application a minimal Cantor system is constructed satisfying the so-called maximal continuous eigenvalue group property.
We show that every (invertible, or noninvertible) minimal Cantor system embeds in $mathbb{R}$ with vanishing derivative everywhere. We also study relations between local shrinking and periodic points.
166 - Jiahao Qiu , Jianjie Zhao 2019
In this paper, it is shown that if a dynamical system is null and distal, then it is equicontinuous. It turns out that a null system with closed proximal relation is mean equicontinuous. As a direct application, it follows that a null dynamical system with dense minimal points is also mean equicontinuous. Meanwhile, a distal system with trivial $text{Ind}_{fip}$-pairs, and a non-trivial regionally proximal relation of order $infty$ is constructed.
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