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Continuum subtracting Lyman-alpha images: Low redshift studies using the Solar Blind Channel of HST/ACS

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 Added by Matthew Hayes
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Matthew Hayes

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[ABRIDGED] We are undertaking an imaging study of local star-forming galaxies in the Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line using the Solar Blind Channel (SBC) of the ACS onboard the HST. Observations have been obtained in Lya and H-alpha (Ha) and 6 continuum filters between ~1500AA and the I-band. Previously (Hayes et al 2005) we demonstrated that the production of Lya line-only images in the SBC-only data-set is non-trivial and that supporting data is a requirement. We here develop various methods of continuum subtraction and assess their relative performance using a variety of spectral energy distributions (SED) as input. We conclude that simple assumptions about the behavior of the ultraviolet continuum consistently lead to results that are wildly erroneous, and determine that an SED fitting approach is essential. Moreover, a single component stellar or stellar+nebular spectrum is not always sufficient for realistic template SEDs and, in order to successfully recover the input observables, care must be taken to control contributions of nebular gas and underlying stellar populations. Independent measurements of the metallicity must first be obtained, but details of the initial mass function play only a small role. We identify the need to bin together pixels in our data to obtain signal-to-noise (S/N) of ~10 in each band before processing. At S/N=10 we can recover Lya fluxes accurate to ~30% for Lya lines with intrinsic equivalent width [W(Lya)] of 10AA. This accuracy improves to ~10% for W(Lya)=100AA. We describe the image processing applied to the observations presented in Ostlin et al. (2009) and the associated data-release. We also present simulations for an observing strategy for an alternative low-redshift SBC Lya imaging campaign using adjacent combinations of long-pass filters at slightly higher redshift.

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We present detailed morphological properties of Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs) at z~ 5.7 in the COSMOS field, based on {it Hubble Space Telescope} Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) data. The ACS imaging in the F814W filter covered 85 LAEs of the 119 LAEs identified in the full two square degree field, and 47 LAEs of them are detected in the ACS images. Nearly half of them are spatially extended with a size larger than 0.15 arcsec (~0.88 kpc at z=5.7) up to 0.4 arcsec (~2.5 kpc at z=5.7). The others are nearly unresolved compact objects. Two LAEs show double-component structures, indicating interaction or merging of building components to form more massive galaxies. By stacking the ACS images of all the detected sources, we obtain a Sersic parameter of n~0.7 with a half-light radius of 0.13 arcsec (0.76 kpc), suggesting that the majority of ACS detected LAEs have not spheroidal-like but disk-like or irregular light profiles. Comparing ACS F814W magnitudes (I_814) with Subaru/Suprime-Cam magnitudes in the NB816, i, and z bands, we find that the ACS imaging in the F814W band mainly probes UV continuum rather than Lyman alpha line emission. UV continuum sizes tend to be larger for LAEs with larger Lyalpha emission regions as traced by the NB816 imaging. The non-detection of 38 LAEs in the ACS images is likely due to the fact that their surface brightness is even too low both in the UV continuum and Lyalpha emission. Estimating I_814 for the LAEs with ACS non-detection from the z and NB816 magnitudes, we find that 16 of these are probably LAEs with a size larger than 0.15 arcsec in UV continuum. All these results suggest that our LAE sample contains systematically larger LAEs in UV continuum size than those previously studied at z~6.
93 - M. Hayes 2005
ESO338-IG04 is a well known, local, luminous Blue Compact Galaxy. It has a complex morphology and contains a central young starburst with compact young star clusters. The galaxy was imaged using HST/ACS in the Lyman alpha line and continuum. Using the Starburst99 synthetic spectra and other imaging data from HST/WFPC2 we developed a technique that allows us to make the first photometrically valid continuum subtraction for the LYa line. Our results are in qualitative agreement with the models of LYa escape being regulated by kinematical properties of the interstellar medium. The line-only image shows LYa in both emission and absorption. Notably, emission is seen from central bright young clusters and is in spatial agreement with the features present in a longslit spectrum taken with HST/STIS. Diffuse LYa emission regions are seen surrounding the central starburst where photons escape after one or more resonant scatterings in HI. These regions dominate the total LYa output. Photometry reveals a total LYa flux of 194 x 10^-14 erg/s/cm^2. Inside an artificial aperture matching that of the IUE satelite, we measure a LYa flux and equivalent width consistent with previous studies using the IUE. Analysis of parameter dependencies show our technique to be largely parameter independent, producing LYa maps indistinguishable from one another by eye and with fluxes consistent with one another to better than 50%. By comparison of LYa fluxes with Ha fluxes of a previous study, we estimate that each observed LYa photon has undergone ~2 additional scatterings. We see that LYa line closely correlate with other tracers of kinematics.
We report on the serendipitous discovery of a z=4.0, M1500=-22.20 star-forming galaxy (Ion3) showing copious Lyman continuum (LyC) leakage (~60% escaping), a remarkable multiple peaked Lya emission, and significant Lya radiation directly emerging at the resonance frequency. This is the highest redshift confirmed LyC emitter in which the ionising and Lya radiation possibly share a common ionised cavity (with N_HI<10^17.2 cm^-2). Ion3 is spatially resolved, it shows clear stellar winds signatures like the P-Cygni NV1240 profile, and has blue ultraviolet continuum (beta = -2.5 +/- 0.25, F_lambda~ lambda^beta) with weak low-ionisation interstellar metal lines. Deep VLT/HAWKI Ks and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6um and 4.5um imaging show a clear photometric signature of the Halpha line with equivalent width of 1000A rest-frame emerging over a flat continuum (Ks-4.5um ~ 0). From the SED fitting we derive a stellar mass of 1.5x10^9 Msun, SFR of 140 Msun/yr and age of ~10 Myr, with a low dust extinction, E(B-V)< 0.1, placing the source in the starburst region of the SFR-M^* plane. Ion3 shows similar properties of another LyC emitter previously discovered (z=3.21, Ion2, Vanzella et al. 2016). Ion3 (and Ion2) represents ideal high-redshift reference cases to guide the search for reionising sources at z>6.5 with JWST.
We propose to infer ionising continuum leaking properties of galaxies by looking at their Lyman-alpha line profiles. We carry out Lyman-alpha radiation transfer calculations in two models of HII regions which are porous to ionising continuum escape: 1) the so-called density bounded media, in which massive stars produce enough ionising photons to keep the surrounding interstellar medium transparent to the ionising continuum, i.e almost totally ionised, and 2) riddled ionisation-bounded media, surrounded by neutral interstellar medium, but with holes, i.e. with a covering factor lower than unity. The Lyman-alpha spectra emergent from these configurations have distinctive features: 1) a classical asymmetric redshifted profile in the first case, but with a small shift of the maximum of the profile compare to the systemic redshift (Vpeak < 150 km/s); 2) a main peak at the systemic redshift in the second case (Vpeak = 0 km/s), with, as a consequence, a non-zero Lyman-alpha flux bluewards the systemic redshift. Assuming that in a galaxy leaking ionising photons, the Lyman-alpha component emerging from the leaking star cluster(s) dominates the total Lyman-alpha spectrum, the Lyman-alpha shape may be used as a pre-selection tool to detect Lyman continuum (LyC) leaking galaxies, in objects with well determined systemic redshift, and high spectral resolution Lyman-alpha spectra (R >= 4000). The examination of a sample of 10 local starbursts with high resolution HST-COS Lyman-alpha spectra and known in the literature as LyC leakers or leaking candidates, corroborates our predictions. Observations of Lyman-alpha profiles at high resolution should show definite signatures revealing the escape of Lyman continuum photons from star-forming galaxies.
Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the young binary GG Tauri and its circumbinary disk in V and I bandpasses were obtained in 2002 and are the most detailed of this system to date. The confirm features previously seen in the disk including: a gap apparently caused by shadowing from circumstellar material; an asymmetrical distribution of light about the line of sight on the near edge of the disk; enhanced brightness along the near edge of the disk due to forward scattering; and a compact reflection nebula near the secondary star. New features are seen in the ACS images: two short filaments along the disk; localized but strong variations in disk intensity (gaplets); and a spur or filament extending from the reflection nebulosity near the secondary. The back side of the disk is detected in the V band for the first time. The disk appears redder than the combined light from the stars, which may be explained by a varied distribution of grain sizes. The brightness asymmetries along the disk suggest that it is asymmetrically illuminated by the stars due to extinction by nonuniform circumstellar material or the illuminated surface of the disk is warped by tidal effects (or perhaps both). Localized, time-dependent brightness variations in the disk are also seen.
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