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We present direct methods and symbolic software for the computation of conservation laws of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) and differential-difference equations (DDEs).The methods are applied to nonlinear PDEs in (1+1) dimensions with polynomial nonlinearities which include the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV), Boussinesq, and Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson equations. An adaptation of the methods is applied to PDEs with transcendental nonlinearities. Examples include the sine-Gordon, sinh-Gordon, and Liouville equations. With respect to nonlinear DDEs, our methods are applied to Kac-van Moerbeke, Toda, and Ablowitz-Ladik lattices. To overcome the shortcomings of the undetermined coefficients method, we designed a new direct method which uses leading order analysis. That method is applied to discretizations of the KdV and modified KdV equations, and a combination thereof. Additional examples include lattices due to Bogoyavlenskii, Belov-Chaltikian, and Blaszak-Marciniak. The undetermined coefficient methods for PDEs and DDEs have been implemented in Mathematica. The code TransPDEDensityFlux.m computes densities and fluxes of systems of PDEs with or without transcendental nonlinearities. The code DDEDensityFlux.m does the same for polynomial nonlinear DDEs. Starting from the leading order terms, the new Maple library discrete computes densities and fluxes of nonlinear DDEs.
It is shown that the generalized Riemann equation is equivalent with the multicomponent generalization of the Hunter - Saxton equation. New matrix and scalar Lax representation is presented for this generalization. New class of the conserved densities, which depends explicitly on the time are obtained directly from the Lax operator. The algorithm, which allows us to generate a big class of the non-polynomial conservation laws of the generalized Riemann equation is presented. Due to this new series of conservation laws of the Hunter-Saxton equation is obtained.
We consider the nonlinear equations obtained from soliton equations by adding self-consistent sources. We demonstrate by using as an example the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation that such equations on periodic functions are not isospectral. They deform the spectral curve but preserve the multipliers of the Floquet functions. The latter property implies that the conservation laws, for soliton equations, which may be described in terms of the Floquet multipliers give rise to conservation laws for the corresponding equations with self-consistent sources. Such a property was first observed by us for some geometrical flow which appears in the conformal geometry of tori in three- and four-dimensional Euclidean spaces (math/0611215).
We formulate an oversampled radial basis function generated finite difference (RBF-FD) method to solve time-dependent nonlinear conservation laws. The analytic solutions of these problems are known to be discontinuous, which leads to occurrence of non-physical oscillations (Gibbs phenomenon) that pollute the numerical solutions and can make them unstable. We address these difficulties using a residual based artificial viscosity stabilization, where the residual of the conservation law indicates the approximate location of the shocks. The location is then used to locally apply an upwind viscosity term, which stabilizes the Gibbs phenomenon and does not smear the solution away from the shocks. The proposed method is numerically tested and proves to be robust and accurate when solving scalar conservation laws and systems of conservation laws, such as compressible Euler equations.
We present a novel implementation of the modal discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for hyperbolic conservation laws in two dimensions on graphics processing units (GPUs) using NVIDIAs Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). Both flexible and highly accurate, DG methods accommodate parallel architectures well as their discontinuous nature produces element-local approximations. High performance scientific computing suits GPUs well, as these powerful, massively parallel, cost-effective devices have recently included support for double-precision floating point numbers. Computed examples for Euler equations over unstructured triangle meshes demonstrate the effectiveness of our implementation on an NVIDIA GTX 580 device. Profiling of our method reveals performance comparable to an existing nodal DG-GPU implementation for linear problems.
We investigate $n$-component systems of conservation laws that possess third-order Hamiltonian structures of differential-geometric type. The classification of such systems is reduced to the projective classification of linear congruences of lines in $mathbb{P}^{n+2}$ satisfying additional geometric constraints. Algebraically, the problem can be reformulated as follows: for a vector space $W$ of dimension $n+2$, classify $n$-tuples of skew-symmetric 2-forms $A^{alpha} in Lambda^2(W)$ such that [ phi_{beta gamma}A^{beta}wedge A^{gamma}=0, ] for some non-degenerate symmetric $phi$.