Demonstration of Ultra Low Dissipation Optomechanical Resonators on a Chip

Abstract in English

Cavity-enhanced radiation-pressure coupling of optical and mechanical degrees of freedom gives rise to a range of optomechanical phenomena, in particular providing a route to the quantum regime of mesoscopic mechanical oscillators. A prime challenge in cavity optomechanics has however been to realize systems which simultaneously maximize optical finesse and mechanical quality. Here we demonstrate for the first time independent control over both mechanical and optical degree of freedom within one and the same on-chip resonator. The first direct observation of mechanical normal mode coupling in a micromechanical system allows for a quantitative understanding of mechanical dissipation. Subsequent optimization of the resonator geometry enables intrinsic material loss limited mechanical Q-factors, rivalling the best values reported in the high MHz frequency range, while simultaneously preserving the resonators ultra-high optical finesse. Besides manifesting a complete understanding of mechanical dissipation in microresonator based optomechanical systems, our results provide an ideal setting for cavity optomechanics.
