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Molecular Line Observations of the SiO Maser Source IRAS 19312+1950

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 Added by Jun-ichi Nakashima
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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IRAS 19312+1950 is a unique SiO maser source, exhibiting a rich set of molecular radio lines, although SiO maser sources are usually identified as oxygen-rich evolved stars, in which chemistry is relatively simple comparing with carbon-rich environments. The rich chemistry of IRAS 19312+1950 has raised a problem in circumstellar chemistry if this object is really an oxygen-rich evolved star, but its evolutional status is still controversial. In this paper, we briefly review the previous observations of IRAS 19312+1950, as well as presenting preliminary results of recent VLBI observations in maser lines.

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The IRAS source, 19312+1950, exhibits SiO maser emission, which is predominantly detected in evolved stars enshrouded by a cold molecular envelope. In fact, the mojority of the observational properties of IRAS 19312+1950 is consistent with the nature of an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star or post-AGB star. Interestingly, however, some of the observational properties cannot be readily explained within the standard scheme of stellar evolution, and those are rather reminiscent of young stellar objects. In the present research we considered the evolutionary status of IRAS 19312+1950 as revealed by the VLBI and MERLIN observations in SiO, H2O and OH maser lines. The double-peaked profile of the 22 GHz H2O maser line is clearly detected, with the emission regions of its red and blue-shifted components separately located, leaving a space of about 10.9 mas between them. The kinematic properties of H2O maser emission region appear to be more consistent with a bipolar flow rather than other interpretations such as the Keplerian rotation of a disk. The red-shifted component of the SiO maser emission, which exhibits a double-peak profile in previous single-dish observations, is clearly detected in the present interferometry, while the 1612 MHz OH maser line exhibits a complicated line profile consisting of a single strong peak and many weak, high-velocity spikes. The structure of OH maser emission region is partially resolved, and the kinematic properties of the OH maser emission region are reminiscent observations of a spherically expanding shell, even though the evidence is scant. Collectively, the maser observations described here provide additional support for the evolved star hypothesis for IRAS 19312+1950.
We report on the detection of SiO and water masers toward a newly found bipolar nebula, IRAS 19312+1950. This object exhibits extreme red IRAS color log (F25/F12)=0.5 and log (F60/F25)=0.7 and a nebulosity having a size of about 30 extended to the South-West in the 2MASS near-infrared image. Toward this object, we have detected emission from the H2O 6(1,6)-5(2,3) transition, the SiO J=1-0, v=1 and 2, and J=2-1, v=1 transitions, and the SO 2(2)--1(1) and H13CN J=1-0 transitions. The thermal lines of SO and H13CN are shifted by about 12 km/s in radial velocity with respect to the maser lines, indicating that thermal emission comes from the background molecular cloud. However, the SiO J=2-1, v=2 spectrum shows another component of SiO emission separated by 26 km/s from the main component, that might be formed in a rotating or expanding shell.
We report the results of a wide field CO mapping in the region of IRAS 19312+1950. This IRAS object exhibits SiO/H$_2$O/OH maser emission, and is embedded in a chemically-rich molecular component, of which the origin is still unknown. In order to reveal the entire structure and gas mass of the surrounding molecular component for the first time, we have mapped a wide region around IRAS 19312+1950 in the $^{12}$CO $J=1-0$, $^{13}$CO $J=1-0$ and C$^{18}$O $J=1-0$ lines using the Nobeyama 45m telescope. In conjunction with the archival CO maps, we investigated a region with a size up to $20 times 20$ around this IRAS object. We calculated CO gas mass assuming the LTE condition, a stellar velocity against to the interstellar medium assuming an analytic model of a bow shock, and absolute luminosity using the latest archival data and trigonometric parallax distance. The derived gas-mass (225 M$_{odot}$ $-$ 478 M$_{odot}$) of the molecular component and the relatively large luminosity ($2.63times10^{4}$ L$_{odot}$) suggest that the central SiO/H$_2$O/OH maser source seems to be a red supergiant (RSG) rather than an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star or post-AGB star.
We report the result of a systematic methanol observation toward IRAS 19312+1950. The properties of the SiO, H2O and OH masers of this object are consistent with those of mass-losing evolved stars, but some other properties are difficult to explain in the standard scheme of stellar evolution in its late stage. Interestingly, a tentative detection of radio methanol lines was suggested toward this object by a previous observation. To date, there are no confirmed detections of methanol emission towards evolved stars, so investigation of this possible detection is important to better understand the circumstellar physical/chemical environment of IRAS 19312+1950. In this study, we systematically observed multiple methanol lines of IRAS 19312+1950 in the lambda=3mm, 7mm, and 13mm bands, and detected 6 lines including 4 thermal lines and 2 class I maser lines. We derived basic physical parameters including kinetic temperature and relative abundances by fitting a radiative transfer model. According to the derived excitation temperature and line profiles, a spherically expanding outflow lying at the center of the nebulosity is excluded from the possibilities for methanol emission regions. The detection of class I methanol maser emission suggests that a shock region is involved in the system of IRAS 19312+1950. If the central star of IRAS 19312+1950 is an evolved star as suggested in the past, the class I maser detected in the present observation is the first case detected in an interaction region between an evolved star outflow and ambient molecular gas.
We present the results of SiO line observations of a sample of known SiO maser sources covering a wide dust-temperature range. The aim of the present research is to investigate the causes of the correlation between infrared colors and SiO maser intensity ratios among different transition lines. We observed in total 75 SiO maser sources with the Nobeyama 45m telescope quasi-simultaneously in the SiO J=1-0 v=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and J=2-1 v=1, 2 lines. We also observed the sample in the 29SiO J=1-0 v=0 and J=2-1 v=0, and 30SiO J=1-0 v=0 lines, and the H2O 6(1,6)-5(2,3) line. As reported in previous papers, we confirmed that the intensity ratios of the SiO J=1-0 v=2 to v=1 lines clearly correlate with infrared colors. In addition, we found possible correlation between infrared colors and the intensity ratios of the SiO J=1-0 v=3 to v=1&2 lines.
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