Inclusive transverse mass analysis for squark and gluino mass determination

Abstract in English

We propose an inclusive analysis of a stransverse mass (m_{T2}) using a hemisphere method for supersymmetry studies at the LHC . The hemisphere method is an algorithm to group collinear and high p_T particles and jets, assuming that there are two of such groups in a event. The m_{T2} is defined as a function of the unknown LSP mass, two hemisphere momenta, and missing transverse momentum. The kinematical end point of the m_{T2} distribution provides information on the squark and gluino masses. We perform a Monte Carlo simulation to study the inclusive m_{T2} distribution at the LHC. We show that the end point of the inclusive m_{T2} distribution has a cusp-like structure around the true LSP mass. The knowledge of the expected kinematical behavior near the end point for true events is important to establish the end point of the inclusive distribution. We find that the inclusive analysis is useful to obtain the information on the heaviest of the squark/gluino.
