Dynamics of vortex glass phase in strongly type II superconductors

Abstract in English

Dynamics of vortices in strongly type-II superconductors with strong disorder is investigated within the frustrated three-dimensional XY model. For two typical models in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 91}, 077002 (2003)] and [Phys. Rev. B {bf 68}, 220502(R) (2003)], a strong evidence for the finite temperature vortex glass transition in the unscreened limit is provided by performing large-scale dynamical simulations. The obtained correlation length exponents and the dynamic exponents in both models are different from each other and from those in the three-dimensional gauge glass model. In addition, a genuine continuous depinning transition is observed at zero temperature for both models. A scaling analysis for the thermal rounding of the depinning transition shows a non-Arrhenius type creep motion in the vortex glass phase, contrarily to the recent studies..
