Toward first-principle simulations of galaxy formation: I. How should we choose star formation criteria in high-resolution simulations of disk galaxies?

Abstract in English

We performed 3-dimensional N-body/SPH simulations to study how mass resolution and other model parameters such as the star formation efficiency parameter, C* and the threshold density, nth affect structures of the galactic gaseous/stellar disk in a static galactic potential. We employ 10^6 - 10^7 particles to resolve a cold and dense (T < 100 K & n_H > 100 cm^{-3}) phase. We found that structures of the ISM and the distribution of young stars are sensitive to the assumed nth. High-nth models with nth = 100 cm^{-3} yield clumpy multi-phase features in the ISM. Young stars are distributed in a thin disk of which half-mass scale height is 10 - 30 pc. In low-nth models with nth = 0.1 cm^{-3}, the stellar disk is found to be several times thicker, and the gas disk appears smoother than the high-nth models. A high-resolution simulation with high-nth is necessary to reproduce the complex structure of the gas disk. The global properties of the model galaxies in low-nth models, such as star formation histories, are similar to those in the high-nth models when we tune the value of C* so that they reproduce the observed relation between surface gas density and surface star formation rate density. We however emphasize that high-nth models automatically reproduce the relation, regardless of the values of C*. The ISM structure, phase distribution, and distributions of young star forming region are quite similar between two runs with values of C* which differ by a factor of 15. We also found that the timescale of the flow from n_H ~1 cm^{-3} to n_H > 100 cm^{-3} is about 5 times as long as the local dynamical time and is independent of the value of C*. The use of a high-nth criterion for star formation in high-resolution simulations makes numerical models fairy insensitive to the modelling of star formation. (Abridged)
