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Trilinear Higgs couplings in the two Higgs doublet model with CP violation

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 Added by Per Osland
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English
 Authors Per Osland

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We carry out a detailed analysis of the general two Higgs doublet model with CP violation. We describe two different parametrizations of this model, and then study the Higgs boson masses and the trilinear Higgs couplings for these two parametrizations. Within a rather general model, we find that the trilinear Higgs couplings have a significant dependence on the details of the model, even when the lightest Higgs boson mass is taken to be a fixed parameter. We include radiative corrections in the one-loop effective potential approximation in our analysis of the Higgs boson masses and the Higgs trilinear couplings. The one-loop corrections to the trilinear couplings of the two Higgs doublet model also depend significantly on the details of the model, and can be rather large. We study quantitatively the trilinear Higgs couplings, and show that these couplings are typically several times larger than the corresponding Standard Model trilinear Higgs coupling in some regions of the parameter space. We also briefly discuss the decoupling limit of the two Higgs doublet model.

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The two Higgs bi-doublet left-right symmetric model (2HBDM) as a simple extension of the minimal left-right symmetric model with a single Higgs bi-doublet is motivated to realize both spontaneous P and CP violation while consistent with the low energy phenomenology without significant fine tuning. By carefully investigating the Higgs potential of the model, we find that sizable CP-violating phases are allowed after the spontaneous symmetry breaking. The mass spectra of the extra scalars in the 2HBDM are significantly different from the ones in the minimal left-right symmetric model. In particular, we demonstrate in the decoupling limit when the right-handed gauge symmetry breaking scale is much higher than the electroweak scale, the 2HBDM decouples into general two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) with spontaneous CP violation and has rich induced sources of CP violation. We show that in the decoupling limit, it contains extra light Higgs bosons with masses around electroweak scale, which can be directly searched at the ongoing LHC and future ILC experiments.
292 - Wei-Shu Hou , Girish Kumar 2020
The new round of experiments, MEG II, COMET/Mu2e, and Mu3e, would soon start to push the $mu to egamma$, $mu N to eN$ conversion, and $mu to 3e$ frontier, while Belle II would probe $tau to mugamma$ and $tau to 3mu$. In the general two Higgs doublet model with extra Yukawa couplings, we show that all these processes probe the lepton flavor violating (LFV) dipole transition that arises from the two loop mechanism, with scalar-induced contact terms subdominant. This is because existing data suggest the extra Yukawa couplings $rho_{mu e},, rho_{ee} lesssim lambda_e$, while $rho_{taumu},, rho_{tautau} lesssim lambda_tau$ and $rho_{tt} lesssim lambda_t$, with $lambda_i$ the usual Yukawa coupling of the Standard Model (SM), where $rho_{mu e}rho_{tt}$ and $rho_{taumu}rho_{tt}$ enter the $mu egamma$ and $taumugamma$ two loop amplitudes, respectively. With the $B_s to mumu$ decay rate basically consistent with SM expectation, together with the $B_s$ mixing constraint, we show that $B_s to tautau$ would also be consistent with SM, while $B_s to taumu$ and $B to Ktaumu$ decays would be out of reach of projected sensitivities, in strong contrast with some models motivated by the B anomalies.
175 - Syuhei Iguro , Yuji Omura 2019
In this paper, we study the CP violating processes in a general two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) with tree-level flavor changing neutral currents. In this model, sizable Yukawa couplings involving top and charm quarks are still allowed by the collider and flavor experiments, while the other couplings are strongly constrained experimentally. The sizable couplings, in general, have imaginary parts and could largely contribute to the CP violating observables concerned with the $B$ and $K$ mesons. In particular, the contribution may be so large that it affects the direct CP violating $K$ meson decay, where the discrepancy between the experimental result and the Standard Model prediction is reported. We discuss how well the anomaly is resolved in the 2HDM, based on study of the other flavor observables. We also propose the way to test our 2HDM at the LHC.
We study the effects of CP violation in charged Higgs boson production $ppto t H^pm + X$ at the LHC, as well as in the charged Higgs boson decays $H^pm to t b$ and $H^pm to W^pm H_i^0$, $i=1,2,3$. The study is done in the framework of the type II complex Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) with softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry. In this model violation of CP invariance is induced by the complex parameter $m^2_{12}$ of the tree-level Higgs potential. We calculate the CP violating rate asymmetries for $H^+$ and $H^-$ production and decays as well as for the combined processes at one-loop level and perform a detailed numerical analysis. All calculations are done with the automatic amplitude generator FeynArts and the calculational tool FormCalc, for which we have written a complete complex 2HDM model file and relevant fortran drivers. The implementation of the complex 2HDM in FeynArts and FormCalc is described. In comparison with the analogous results in the MSSM, all considered CP violating asymmetries are smaller by an order of magnitude and do not exceed 2 to 3%.
We study CP-Violation (CPV) in a Composite 2-Higgs Doublet Model (C2HDM) based on the global symmetry breaking $SO(6)/[SO(4)times SO(2)]$, wherein the strong sector is modeled by a two-site moose structure. Non-trivial complex phases in the interactions involving fermions in both the elementary and strong sectors can induce CPV in the Higgs potential as well as the Yukawa coupling parameters. We compute both of the latter and analyse their dependence upon the aforementioned complex phases. Finally, we discuss physics observables which are distinctive of this model. Even in the simplest case with only one complex phase in the strong sector we can get significant CPV effects.
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