Two finiteness theorem for $(a,b)$-module

Abstract in English

We prove the following two results 1. For a proper holomorphic function $ f : X to D$ of a complex manifold $X$ on a disc such that ${df = 0 } subset f^{-1}(0)$, we construct, in a functorial way, for each integer $p$, a geometric (a,b)-module $E^p$ associated to the (filtered) Gauss-Manin connexion of $f$. This first theorem is an existence/finiteness result which shows that geometric (a,b)-modules may be used in global situations. 2. For any regular (a,b)-module $E$ we give an integer $N(E)$, explicitely given from simple invariants of $E$, such that the isomorphism class of $Ebig/b^{N(E)}.E$ determines the isomorphism class of $E$. This second result allows to cut asymptotic expansions (in powers of $b$) of elements of $E$ without loosing any information.
