We explore the possibility of detecting many-body entanglement using time-of-flight (TOF) momentum correlations in ultracold atomic fermi gases. In analogy to the vacuum correlations responsible for Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy, a partitioned atomic gas will exhibit particle-hole correlations responsible for entanglement entropy. The signature of these momentum correlations might be detected by a sensitive TOF type experiment.
We calculate the radio-frequency spectrum of balanced and imbalanced ultracold Fermi gases in the normal phase at unitarity. For the homogeneous case the spectrum of both the majority and minority components always has a single peak even in the pseudogap regime. We furthermore show how the double-peak structures observed in recent experiments arise due to the inhomogeneity of the trapped gas. The main experimental features observed above the critical temperature in the recent experiment of Schunck et al. [Science 316, 867, (2007)] are recovered with no fitting parameters.
Using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method for the 1D Hubbard model, the splitting of local perturbations into separate wave packets carrying charge and spin is observed in real-time. We show the robustness of this separation beyond the low-energy Luttinger liquid theory by studying the time-evolution of single particle excitations and density wave packets. A striking signature of spin-charge separation is found in 1D cold Fermi gases in a harmonic trap at the boundary between liquid and Mott-insulating phases. We give quantitative estimates for an experimental observation of spin-charge separation in an array of atomic wires.
Spin noise spectroscopy with a single laser beam is demonstrated theoretically to provide a direct probe of the spatial correlations of cold fermionic gases. We show how the generic many-body phenomena of anti-bunching, pairing, antiferromagnetic, and algebraic spin liquid correlations can be revealed by measuring the spin noise as a function of laser width, temperature, and frequency.
Exactly solvable models of ultracold Fermi gases are reviewed via their thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz solution. Analytical and numerical results are obtained for the thermodynamics and ground state properties of two- and three-component one-dimensional attractive fermions with population imbalance. New results for the universal finite temperature corrections are given for the two-component model. For the three-component model, numerical solution of the dressed energy equations confirm that the analytical expressions for the critical fields and the resulting phase diagrams at zero temperature are highly accurate in the strong coupling regime. The results provide a precise description of the quantum phases and universal thermodynamics which are applicable to experiments with cold fermionic atoms confined to one-dimensional tubes.