Mott transition in VO2 revealed by infrared spectroscopy and nano-imaging

Abstract in English

Electrons in correlated insulators are prevented from conducting by Coulomb repulsion between them. When an insulator-to-metal transition is induced in a correlated insulator by doping or heating, the resulting conducting state can be radically different from that characterized by free electrons in conventional metals. We report on the electronic properties of a prototypical correlated insulator vanadium dioxide (VO2) in which the metallic state can be induced by increasing temperature. Scanning near-field infrared microscopy allows us to directly image nano-scale metallic puddles that appear at the onset of the insulator-to-metal transition. In combination with far-field infrared spectroscopy, the data reveal the Mott transition with divergent quasiparticle mass in the metallic puddles. The experimental approach employed here sets the stage for investigations of charge dynamics on the nanoscale in other inhomogeneous correlated electron systems.
