On interactions of higher spin fields with gravity and branes in AdS_5

Abstract in English

We construct actions of higher spin fields interacting with gravity on AdS_5 backgrounds such that the Compton scattering amplitudes of the interaction are tree-level unitary. We then consider higher-spin fields in the Randall-Sundrum scenario. There, in the fermionic case, we construct a tree-level unitary action of higher spin fields interacting with branes and linearised gravity. In the bosonic case we show that this is not in general possible. A tree-level unitary action of bosonic higher spins interacting with linearised gravity and branes is only possible in the following cases: The brane is a pure tension brane and/or Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed thereby making bosonic higher spin fields invisible to a brane observer. We finally show that higher spins in Randall-Sundrum II braneworlds can only be produced by (decay into) gravitons at trans-Planckian scales. We end by commenting on the possible relevance of higher-spin unparticles as Dark Matter candidates.
