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Phase Transitions in Finite Systems using Information Theory

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 Added by Philippe Chomaz
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors P. Chomaz

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(abridged) In this paper, we present the issues we consider as essential as far as the statistical mechanics of finite systems is concerned. In particular, we emphasis our present understanding of phase transitions in the framework of information theory. Information theory provides a thermodynamically-consistent treatment of finite, open, transient and expanding systems which are difficult problems in approaches using standard statistical ensembles. As an example, we analyze is the problem of boundary conditions, which in the framework of information theory must also be treated statistically. We recall that out of the thermodynamical limit the different ensembles are not equivalent and in particular they may lead to dramatically different equation of states, in the region of a first order phase transition. We recall the recent progresses achieved in the understanding of first-order phase transition in finite systems: the equivalence between the Yang-Lee theorem and the occurrence of bimodalities in the intensive ensemble and the presence of inverted curvatures of the thermodynamic potential of the associated extensive ensemble.

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We study the finite-temperature behavior of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, with a focus on correlation properties as measured by the mutual information. The latter, which quantifies the amount of both classical and quantum correlations, is computed exactly in the two limiting cases of vanishing magnetic field and vanishing temperature. For all other situations, numerical results provide evidence of a finite mutual information at all temperatures except at criticality. There, it diverges as the logarithm of the system size, with a prefactor that can take only two values, depending on whether the critical temperature vanishes or not. Our work provides a simple example in which the mutual information appears as a powerful tool to detect finite-temperature phase transitions, contrary to entanglement measures such as the concurrence.
We study the response to perturbations in the thermodynamic limit of a network of coupled identical agents undergoing a stochastic evolution which, in general, describes non-equilibrium conditions. All systems are nudged towards the common centre of mass. We derive Kramers-Kronig relations and sum rules for the linear susceptibilities obtained through mean field Fokker-Planck equations and then propose corrections relevant for the macroscopic case, which incorporates in a self-consistent way the effect of the mutual interaction between the systems. Such an interaction creates a memory effect. We are able to derive conditions determining the occurrence of phase transitions specifically due to system-to-system interactions. Such phase transitions exist in the thermodynamic limit and are associated with the divergence of the linear response but are not accompanied by the divergence in the integrated autocorrelation time for a suitably defined observable. We clarify that such endogenous phase transitions are fundamentally different from other pathologies in the linear response that can be framed in the context of critical transitions. Finally, we show how our results can elucidate the properties of the Desai-Zwanzig model and of the Bonilla-Casado-Morillo model, which feature paradigmatic equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transitions, respectively.
In this work we consider the phase transition from ordered to disordered states that occur in the Vicsek model of self-propelled particles. This model was proposed to describe the emergence of collective order in swarming systems. When noise is added to the motion of the particles, the onset of collective order occurs through a dynamical phase transition. Based on their numerical results, Vicsek and his colleagues originally concluded that this phase transition was of second order (continuous). However, recent numerical evidence seems to indicate that the phase transition might be of first order (discontinuous), thus challenging Vicseks original results. In this work we review the evidence supporting both aspects of this debate. We also show new numerical results indicating that the apparent discontinuity of the phase transition may in fact be a numerical artifact produced by the artificial periodicity of the boundary conditions.
We study the time-averaged flow in a model of particles that randomly hop on a finite directed graph. In the limit as the number of particles and the time window go to infinity but the graph remains finite, the large-deviation rate functional of the average flow is given by a variational formulation involving paths of the density and flow. We give sufficient conditions under which the large deviations of a given time averaged flow is determined by paths that are constant in time. We then consider a class of models on a discrete ring for which it is possible to show that a better strategy is obtained producing a time-dependent path. This phenomenon, called a dynamical phase transition, is known to occur for some particle systems in the hydrodynamic scaling limit, which is thus extended to the setting of a finite graph.
For systems with infinite-order phase transitions, in which an order parameter smoothly becomes nonzero, a new observable for finite-size scaling analysis is suggested. By construction this new observable has the favourable property of diverging at the critical point. Focussing on the example of the F-model we compare the analysis of this observable with that of another observable, which is also derived from the order parameter but does not diverge, as well as that of the associated susceptibility. We discuss the difficulties that arise in the finite-size scaling analysis of such systems. In particular we show that one may reach incorrect conclusions from large-system size extrapolations of observables that are not known to diverge at the critical point. Our work suggests that one should base finite-size scaling analyses for infinite-order phase transitions only on observables that are guaranteed to diverge.
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