The Big Bang quantum cosmology: The matter-energy production epoch

Abstract in English

The exactly solvable quantum model of the homogeneous, isotropic and closed universe in the matter-energy production epoch is considered. It is assumed that the universe is originally filled with a uniform scalar field and a perfect fluid which defines a reference frame. The stationary state spectrum and the wave functions of the quantum universe are calculated. In this model the matter-energy in the universe has a component in the form of a condensate of massive zero-momentum excitation quanta of oscillations of primordial scalar field. The mean value of the scale factor of the universe in a given state is connected with the mass of a condensate by a linear relation. The nucleation rate of the universe from the initial cosmological singularity point is calculated. It is demonstrated that the process of nucleation of the universe can have an exponential (explosive) nature. The evolution of the universe is described as transitions with non-zero probabilities between the states of the universe with different masses of a condensate.
