Representation and Measure of Structural Information

Abstract in English

We introduce a uniform representation of general objects that captures the regularities with respect to their structure. It allows a representation of a general class of objects including geometric patterns and images in a sparse, modular, hierarchical, and recursive manner. The representation can exploit any computable regularity in objects to compactly describe them, while also being capable of representing random objects as raw data. A set of rules uniformly dictates the interpretation of the representation into raw signal, which makes it possible to ask what pattern a given raw signal contains. Also, it allows simple separation of the information that we wish to ignore from that which we measure, by using a set of maps to delineate the a priori parts of the objects, leaving only the information in the structure. Using the representation, we introduce a measure of information in general objects relative to structures defined by the set of maps. We point out that the common prescription of encoding objects by strings to use Kolmogorov complexity is meaningless when, as often is the case, the encoding is not specified in any way other than that it exists. Noting this, we define the measure directly in terms of the structures of the spaces in which the objects reside. As a result, the measure is defined relative to a set of maps that characterize the structures. It turns out that the measure is equivalent to Kolmogorov complexity when it is defined relative to the maps characterizing the structure of natural numbers. Thus, the formulation gives the larger class of objects a meaningful measure of information that generalizes Kolmogorov complexity.
