Torque magnetometry studies of new low temperature metamagnetic states in ErNi_{2}B_{2}C

Abstract in English

The metamagnetic transitions in single-crystal ErNi$_2$B$_2$C have been studied at 1.9 K with a Quantum Design torque magnetometer. The critical fields of the transitions depend crucially on the angle between applied field and the easy axis [100]. Torque measurements have been made while changing angular direction of the magnetic field (parallel to basal tetragonal $ab$-planes) in a wide angular range (more than two quadrants). Sequences of metamagnetic transitions with increasing field are found to be different for the magnetic field along (or close enough to) the easy [100] axis from that near the hard [110] axis. The study have revealed new metamagnetic states in ErNi$_{2}$B$_2$C which were not apparent in previous longitudinal-magnetization and neutron studies.
