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A class of inequalities inducing new separability criteria for bipartite quantum systems

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 Added by Cosmo Lupo
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Inspired by the realignment or computable cross norm criterion, we present a new result about the characterization of quantum entanglement. Precisely, an interesting class of inequalities satisfied by all separable states of a bipartite quantum system is derived. These inequalities induce new separability criteria that generalize the realignment criterion.

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For two qubits and for general bipartite quantum systems, we give a simple spectral condition in terms of the ordered eigenvalues of the density matrix which guarantees that the corresponding state is separable.
59 - A. Vourdas 2019
Various inequalities (Boole inequality, Chung-Erdos inequality, Frechet inequality) for Kolmogorov (classical) probabilities are considered. Quantum counterparts of these inequalities are introduced, which have an extra `quantum correction term, and which hold for all quantum states. When certain sufficient conditions are satisfied, the quantum correction term is zero, and the classical version of these inequalities holds for all states. But in general, the classical version of these inequalities is violated by some of the quantum states. For example in bipartite systems, classical Boole inequalities hold for all rank one (factorizable) states, and are violated by some rank two (entangled) states. A logical approach to CHSH inequalities (which are related to the Frechet inequalities), is studied in this context.It is shown that CHSH inequalities hold for all rank one (factorizable) states, and are violated by some rank two (entangled) states. The reduction of the rank of a pure state by a quantum measurement with both orthogonal and coherent projectors, is studied. Bounds for the average rank reduction are given.
A decomposition form is introduced in this report to establish a criterion for the bi-partite separability of Bell diagonal states. A such criterion takes a quadratic form of the coefficients of a given Bell diagonal states and can be derived via a simple algorithmic calculation of its invariants. In addition, the criterion can be extended to a quantum system of higher dimension.
We investigate the separability of arbitrary dimensional tripartite sys- tems. By introducing a new operator related to transformations on the subsystems a necessary condition for the separability of tripartite systems is presented.
The entanglement detection via local measurements can be experimentally implemented. Based on mutually unbiased measurements and general symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures, we present separability criteria for bipartite quantum states, which, by theoretical analysis, are stronger than the related existing criteria via these measurements. Two detailed examples are supplemented to show the efficiency of the presented separability criteria.
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