Probing hypernuclei at PANDA and at MAMI-C

Abstract in English

Spectroscopy of Lambda hypernuclei has recently become one of the most valuable tools for the experimental investigation of strangeness nuclear physics. Several new approached are being pursued currently: In Mainz, the Microtron MAMI has been upgraded to 1.5 GeV electron beam energy and will be used to produce strange hadronic systems in the near future. The KaoS spectrometer is being installed for large acceptance, high resolution strangeness reaction spectroscopy at the existing spectrometer facility. The Mainz hypernuclei research programme will be complemented by experiments on multi-strange systems at the planned FAIR facility at GSI. The gamma-ray spectroscopy of double Lambda hypernuclei produced via Xi-bar Xi pair production is one of the four main topics which will be addressed by the PANDA Collaboration. In this paper the status of the planned experiments and the future prospects are presented.
