Identification of a New Form of Electron Coupling in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission

Abstract in English

Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission measurements with super-high resolution have been carried out on an optimally-doped Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_8$ high temperature superconductor. New high energy features at $sim$115 meV and $sim$150 meV, besides the prominent $sim$70 meV one, are found to develop in the nodal electron self-energy in the superconducting state. These high energy features, which can not be attributed to electron coupling with single phonon or magnetic resonance mode, point to the existence of a new form of electron coupling in high temperature superconductors.
