Not gate in a cis-trans photoisomerization model

Abstract in English

We numerically study the implementation of a NOT gate by laser pulses in a model molecular system presenting two electronic surfaces coupled by non adiabatic interactions. The two states of the bit are the fundamental states of the cis-trans isomers of the molecule. The gate is classical in the sense that it involves a one-qubit flip so that the encoding of the outputs is based on population analysis which does not take the phases into account. This gate can also be viewed as a double photo-switch process with the property that the same electric field controls the two isomerizations. As an example, we consider one-dimensional cuts in a model of the retinal in rhodopsin already proposed in the literature. The laser pulses are computed by the Multi Target Optimal Control Theory with chirped pulses as trial fields. Very high fidelities are obtained. We also examine the stability of the control when the system is coupled to a bath of oscillators modelled by an Ohmic spectral density. The bath correlation time scale being smaller than the pulse duration the dynamics is carried out in the Markovian approximation.
