Inelastic Scattering and Spin Polarization in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Mn)Sb

Abstract in English

The Point Contact Andreev Reflection (PCAR) technique has already been used to measure the spin polarization of some of the dilute magnetic semiconductors, such as narrow-band (In,Mn)Sb, as well as wider gap (Ga,Mn)As. While in (In,Mn)Sb conventional Andreev reflection has been demonstrated, in (Ga,Mn)As quasiparticle density of states (DOS) broadening has been observed, possibly due to inelastic scattering effects. Here, we investigate the spin polarization, magnetic, and transport properties of epitaxially grown (Ga,Mn)Sb films with the Curie temperature of ~ 10K. The spin polarization of 57+/-5% was measured. Spectrum broadening in (Ga,Mn)Sb has also been observed.
