Pinning down the New Minimal Supersymmetric GUT

Abstract in English

We show that generic $ {bf{10oplus 120oplus {bar {126}}}}$ fits of fermion masses and mixings, using real superpotential couplings but with complex `Higgs fractions leading to complex yukawa couplings in the effective MSSM, emph{overdetermine}(by one extra constraint) the superpotential parameters of the New Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUTcite{nmsgut}. Therefore fits should properly be done by generating the 24 generic fit parameters from the 23 parameters of the NMSGUT superpotential, given $tanbeta$ as input. Each numerical fit then emph{fully specifies} the parameters of the NMSGUT. An analysis of all its implications, modulo only the residual uncertainty of supersymmetry breaking parameters, is now feasible. Thus the NMSGUT offers the possibility of a confrontation between the scale of gauge unification and the fit to fermion masses due to their extractable common dependence on the NMSGUT parameters. If and when `smoking gun discoveries of Supersymmetry and Proton decay occur they will find the NMSGUT fully vulnerable to falsification.
