Rapidity gap survival in the black-disk regime

Abstract in English

We summarize how the approach to the black--disk regime (BDR) of strong interactions at TeV energies influences rapidity gap survival in exclusive hard diffraction pp--> p + H + p (H =dijet, bar Q Q, Higgs). Employing a recently developed partonic description of such processes, we discuss (a) the suppression of diffraction at small impact parameters by soft spectator interactions in the BDR; (b) further suppression by inelastic interactions of hard spectator partons in the BDR; (c) effects of correlations between hard and soft interactions, as suggested by various models of proton structure (color fluctuations, spatial correlations of partons). Hard spectator interactions in the BDR substantially reduce the rapidity gap survival probability at LHC energies compared to previously reported estimates.
