Tracing non-equilibrium plasma dynamics on the attosecond timescale in small clusters

Abstract in English

It is shown that the energy absorption of a rare-gas cluster from a vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) pulse can be traced with time-delayed extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond probe pulses by measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons detached by the probe pulse. By means of this scheme we demonstrate, that for pump pulses as short as one femtosecond, the charging of the cluster proceeds during the formation of an electronic nano-plasma inside the cluster. Using moderate harmonics for the VUV and high harmonics for the XUV pulse from the same near-infrared laser source, this scheme with well defined time delays between pump and probe pulses should be experimentally realizable. Going to even shorter pulse durations we predict that pump and probe pulses of about 250 attoseconds can induce and monitor non-equilibrium dynamics of the nano-plasma.
