Embedding the Zee-Wolfenstein neutrino mass matrix in an SO(10) x A4 GUT scenario

Abstract in English

We consider renormalizable SO(10) Yukawa interactions and put the three fermionic 16-plets into the 3-dimensional irreducible A_4 representation. Scanning the possible A_4 representation assignments to the scalars, we find a unique case which allows to accommodate the down-quark and charged-lepton masses. Assuming type II seesaw dominance, we obtain a viable scenario with the Zee-Wolfenstein neutrino mass matrix, i.e., the Majorana mass matrix with a vanishing diagonal. Contributions from the charged-lepton mass matrix resolve the well-known problems with lepton mixing arising from the vanishing diagonal. In our scenario, fermion masses and mixings are well reproduced for both normal and inverted neutrino mass spectra, and b-tau Yukawa unification and definite predictions for the effective mass in neutrinoless double-beta decay are obtained.
