Hydrostatic pressure effects on the electrical transport properties of Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3

Abstract in English

We studied single-crystalline Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 by means of measurements of magnetic susceptibility and specific heat at ambient pressure (P), and electrical resistivity (r) in hydrostatic pressures up to 2 GPa. This material displays ferromagnetic (FM) order, with Curie temperature TC ~ 255 K. A crystallographic transformation from I4/mcm to Fmmm is accompanied by the onset of antiferromagnetism (AFM), with Neel temperature TN ~ 161 K. The effect of pressure is to lower TC, and raise TN at the approximate rates of -3.2 K/GPa, and 14.2 K/GPa, respectively. Although the value of TN increases with P, due to the enhancement of the superexchange interactions, the AFM-Fmmm state is progressively suppressed, as pressure stabilizes the FM-I4/mcm phase to lower temperatures. The r vs T data suggest that the AFM phase should be completely suppressed near 2.4 GPa.
