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Superconductivity in the New Platinum Germanides MPt4Ge12 (M = Rare-earth and Alkaline-earth Metals) with Filled Skutterudite Structure

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 Added by Walter Schnelle
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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New germanium-platinum compounds with the filled-skutterudite crystal structure were synthesized. The structure and composition were investigated by X-ray diffraction and microprobe analysis. Magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and electrical resistivity measurements evidence superconductivity in LaPt4Ge12 and PrPt4Ge12 below 8.3K. The parameters of the normal and superconducting states were established. Strong coupling and a crystal electric field singlet groundstate is found for the Pr compound. Electronic structure calculations show a large density of states at the Fermi level. Similar behavior with lower T_c was observed for SrPt4Ge12 and BaPt4Ge12.

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533 - S. R. Saha , N. P. Butch , T. Drye 2011
Aliovalent rare earth substitution into the alkaline earth site of CaFe2As2 single-crystals is used to fine-tune structural, magnetic and electronic properties of this iron-based superconducting system. Neutron and single crystal x-ray scattering experiments indicate that an isostructural collapse of the tetragonal unit cell can be controllably induced at ambient pressures by choice of substituent ion size. This instability is driven by the interlayer As-As anion separation, resulting in an unprecedented thermal expansion coefficient of $180times 10^{-6}$ K$^{-1}$. Electrical transport and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal abrupt changes in the physical properties through the collapse as a function of temperature, including a reconstruction of the electronic structure. Superconductivity with onset transition temperatures as high as 47 K is stabilized by the suppression of antiferromagnetic order via chemical pressure, electron doping or a combination of both. Extensive investigations are performed to understand the observations of partial volume-fraction diamagnetic screening, ruling out extrinsic sources such as strain mechanisms, surface states or foreign phases as the cause of this superconducting phase that appears to be stable in both collapsed and uncollapsed structures.
High-pressure superconductivity in a rare-earth doped Ca0.86Pr0.14Fe2As2 single crystalline sample has been studied up to 12 GPa and temperatures down to 11 K using designer diamond anvil cell under a quasi-hydrostatic pressure medium. The electrical resistance measurements were complemented by high pressure and low temperature x-ray diffraction studies at a synchrotron source. The electrical resistance measurements show an intriguing observation of superconductivity under pressure, with Tc as high as ~51 K at 1.9 GPa, presenting the highest Tc reported in the intermetallic class of 1-2-2 iron-based superconductors. The resistive transition observed suggests a possible existence of two superconducting phases at low pressures of 0.5 GPa: one phase starting at Tc1 ~48 K, and the other starting at Tc2~16 K. The two superconducting transitions show distinct variations with increasing pressure. High pressure low temperature structural studies indicate that the superconducting phase is a collapsed tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type (122) crystal structure. Our high pressure studies indicate that high Tc state attributed to non-bulk superconductivity in rare-earth doped 1-2-2 iron-based superconductors is stable under compression over a broad pressure range.
Recently the superconductivity has been discovered in the rock-salt structured binary lanthanum monoxide LaO through the state-of-the-art oxide thin-film epitaxy. This work reveals the normal state of superconducting LaO to be a $Z_2$ nontrivial topological metal that the Dirac point protected by the crystal symmetry is located at around the Fermi energy. By analysing the orbital characteristics, the nature of topological band structure of LaO originates from the intra-atomic transition in energy from outer shell La 5$d$ to inner shell 4$f$ orbitals driven by the strong octahedral crystal-field. Furthermore, the appearance of novel surface states unambiguously demonstrates the topological signature of LaO. Our theoretical findings not only shed light into the understanding of exotic quantum behaviors in LaO superconductor with intimate correlation between 4$f$ and 5$d$ orbitals in La, but also provide an exciting platform to explore the interplay of intriguing nontrivial topology and superconductivity.
207 - X. F. Wang 2011
We discover superconductivity in alkali-earth metals doped phenanthrene. The superconducting critical temperatures emph{T}$_c$ are 5.6 K and 5.4 K for Sr$_{1.5}$phenanthrene and Ba$_{1.5}$phenanthrene, respectively. The shielding fraction of Ba$_{1.5}$phenanthrene exceeds 65%. The Raman spectra show 8 cm$^{-1}$/electron and 7 cm$^{-1}$/electron downshifts for the mode at 1441 cm$^{-1}$ due to the charge transfer to organic molecules from the dopants of Ba and Sr. Similar behavior has been observed in A$_3$phenanthrene and A$_3$C$_{60}$(A = K and Rb). The positive pressure effect in Sr$_{1.5}$phenanthrene and Ba$_{1.5}$phenanthrene together with the lower $T_c$ with larger lattice indicates unconventional superconductivity in this organic system.
The filled skutterudite compound PrOsSb{} exhibits superconductivity below a critical temperature $T_mathrm{c} = 1.85$ K that develops out of a nonmagnetic heavy Fermi liquid with an effective mass $m^{*} approx 50 m_mathrm{e}$, where $m_mathrm{e}$ is the free electron mass. Analysis of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, electrical resistivity and inelastic neutron scattering measurements within the context of a cubic crystalline electric field yields a Pr$^{3+}$ energy level scheme that consists of a $Gamma_{3}$ nonmagnetic doublet ground state that carries an electric quadrupole moment, a low lying $Gamma_{5}$ triplet excited state at $sim 10$ K, and $Gamma_{4}$ triplet and $Gamma_{1}$ singlet excited states at much higher temperatures. The superconducting state appears to be unconventional and to consist of two distinct superconducting phases. An ordered phase of magnetic or quadrupolar origin occurs at high fields and low temperatures, suggesting that the superconductivity may occur in the vicinity of a magnetic or electric quadrupolar quantum critical point.
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