2-loop Quantum Yang-Mills Condensate as Dark Energy

Abstract in English

In seeking a model solving the coincidence problem, the effective Yang-Mills condensate (YMC) is an alternative candidate for dark energy. A study is made for the model up to the 2-loop order of quantum corrections. It is found that, like in the 1-loop model, for generic initial conditions during the radiation era, there is always a desired tracking solution, yielding the current status $Omega_Lambda simeq 0.73$ and $Omega_m simeq 0.27$. As the time $tto infty$ the dynamics is a stable attractor. Thus the model naturally solves the coincidence problem of dark energy. Moreover, if YMC decays into matter, its equation of state (EoS) crosses -1 and takes $wsim -1.1$, as indicated by the recent observations.
