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Final Report on ECCS/NSF Workshop on Quantum, Molecular and High Performance Modeling and Simulation for Devices and Systems (QMHP)

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 Added by Jonathan P. Dowling
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The National Science Foundation has identified a new thrust area in Quantum, Molecular and High Performance Modeling and Simulation for Devices and Systems (QMHP) in its core program. The main purpose of this thrust area is to capture scientific opportunities that result from new fundamental cross-cutting research involving three core research communities: (1) experts in modeling and simulation of electronic devices and systems; (2) high performance computing relevant to devices and systems; and (3) the quantum many-body principles relevant to devices and systems. ECCS is especially interested in learning how work in these areas could enable whole new classes of systems or devices, beyond what is already under development in existing mainstream research. The workshop helped identify technical areas that will enable fundamental breakthroughs in the future. Modeling and simulation in the electronics and optoelectronics areas, in general, have already resulted in important fundamental scientific understanding and advances in design and development of devices and systems. With the increasing emphasis on the next generation of devices and systems at the nano, micro, and macro scales and the interdisciplinary nature of the research, it is imperative that we explore new mathematical models and simulation techniques. This workshop report provides a better understanding of unmet emerging new opportunities to improve modeling, simulation and design techniques for hybrid devices and systems. The purpose the QMHP workshop was to define the field and strengthen the focus of the thrust. The ultimate goal of the workshop was to produce a final report (this document) that will be posted on the web so that the NSF can use it to guide reviewers and researchers in this field.

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With the transformative technologies and the rapidly changing global R&D landscape, the multimedia and multimodal community is now faced with many new opportunities and uncertainties. With the open source dissemination platform and pervasive computing resources, new research results are being discovered at an unprecedented pace. In addition, the rapid exchange and influence of ideas across traditional discipline boundaries have made the emphasis on multimedia multimodal research even more important than before. To seize these opportunities and respond to the challenges, we have organized a workshop to specifically address and brainstorm the challenges, opportunities, and research roadmaps for MM research. The two-day workshop, held on March 30 and 31, 2017 in Washington DC, was sponsored by the Information and Intelligent Systems Division of the National Science Foundation of the United States. Twenty-three (23) invited participants were asked to review and identify research areas in the MM field that are most important over the next 10-15 year timeframe. Important topics were selected through discussion and consensus, and then discussed in depth in breakout groups. Breakout groups reported initial discussion results to the whole group, who continued with further extensive deliberation. For each identified topic, a summary was produced after the workshop to describe the main findings, including the state of the art, challenges, and research roadmaps planned for the next 5, 10, and 15 years in the identified area.
Significant investments to upgrade and construct large-scale scientific facilities demand commensurate investments in R&D to design algorithms and computing approaches to enable scientific and engineering breakthroughs in the big data era. Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have powered transformational solutions for big data challenges in industry and technology that now drive a multi-billion dollar industry, and which play an ever increasing role shaping human social patterns. As AI continues to evolve into a computing paradigm endowed with statistical and mathematical rigor, it has become apparent that single-GPU solutions for training, validation, and testing are no longer sufficient for computational grand challenges brought about by scientific facilities that produce data at a rate and volume that outstrip the computing capabilities of available cyberinfrastructure platforms. This realization has been driving the confluence of AI and high performance computing (HPC) to reduce time-to-insight, and to enable a systematic study of domain-inspired AI architectures and optimization schemes to enable data-driven discovery. In this article we present a summary of recent developments in this field, and describe specific advances that authors in this article are spearheading to accelerate and streamline the use of HPC platforms to design and apply accelerated AI algorithms in academia and industry.
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