Rare Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Mesons with Flavor SU(3) Symmetry

Abstract in English

In this paper, we calculate the decay rates of $D^+ to D^0 e^+ u$, $D^+_S to D^0 e^+ u$, $B^0_S to B^+ e^- bar{ u}$, $D^+_S to D^+ e^- e^+$ and $B^0_S to B^0 e^-e^+$ semileptonic decay processes, in which only the light quarks decay, while the heavy flavors remain unchanged. The branching ratios of these decay processes are calculated with the flavor SU(3) symmetry. The uncertainties are estimated by considering the SU(3) breaking effect. We find that the decay rates are very tiny in the framework of the Standard Model. We also estimate the sensitivities of the measurements of these rare decays at the future experiments, such as BES-III, super-$B$ and LHC-$b$.
