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Mid-Infrared Instrumentation for the European Extremely Large Telescope

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 Added by Sarah Kendrew
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors S. Kendrew

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MIDIR is the proposed thermal/mid-IR imager and spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). It will cover the wavelength range of 3 to at least 20 microns. Designed for diffraction-limited performance over the entire wavelength range, MIDIR will require an adaptive optics system; a cryogenically cooled system could offer optimal performance in the IR, and this is a critical aspect of the instrument design. We present here an overview of the project, including a discussion of MIDIRs science goals and a comparison with other infrared (IR) facilities planned in the next decade; top level requirements derived from these goals are outlined. We describe the optical and mechanical design work carried out in the context of a conceptual design study, and discuss some important issues to emerge from this work, related to the design, operation and calibration of the instrument. The impact of telescope optical design choices on the requirements for the MIDIR instrument is demonstrated.

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Design and construction of the instruments for ESOs Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) began in 2015. We present here a brief overview of the status of the ELT Instrumentation Plan. Dedicated articles on each instrument are presented elsewhere this volume.
We describe and summarize the optical challenges for future instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). Knowing the complex instrumental requirements is crucial for the successful design of 30-60m aperture telescopes. After all, the success of ELTs will heavily rely on its instrumentation and this, in turn, will depend on the ability to produce large and ultra-precise optical components like light-weight mirrors, aspheric lenses, segmented filters, and large gratings. New materials and manufacturing processes are currently under study, both at research institutes and in industry. In the present paper, we report on its progress with particular emphasize on volume-phase-holographic gratings, photochromic materials, sintered silicon-carbide mirrors, ion-beam figuring, ultra-precision surfaces, and free-form optics. All are promising technologies opening new degrees of freedom to optical designers. New optronic-mechanical systems will enable efficient use of the very large focal planes. We also provide exploratory descriptions of old and new optical technologies together with suggestions to instrument designers to overcome some of the challenges placed by ELT instrumentation.
163 - S. Trippe 2009
In this article we identify and discuss various statistical and systematic effects influencing the astrometric accuracy achievable with MICADO, the near-infrared imaging camera proposed for the 42-metre European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). These effects are instrumental (e.g. geometric distortion), atmospheric (e.g. chromatic differential refraction), and astronomical (reference source selection). We find that there are several phenomena having impact on ~100 micro-arcsec scales, meaning they can be substantially larger than the theoretical statistical astrometric accuracy of an optical/NIR 42m-telescope. Depending on type, these effects need to be controlled via dedicated instrumental design properties or via dedicated calibration procedures. We conclude that if this is done properly, astrometric accuracies of 40 micro-arcsec or better - with 40 micro-arcsec/year in proper motions corresponding to ~20 km/s at 100 kpc distance - can be achieved in one epoch of actual observations
92 - B. Neichel 2018
The European Extremely Large Telescope will see first lights by the end of 2024. With a diameter of almost 40 meters, it will be the biggest optical telescope ever built from the ground. The ELT will open a brand new window in a sensitivity / spatial angular resolution parameter space. To take the full benefit of the scientific potential of this giant, all the instruments will be equipped with Adaptive Optics (AO), providing the sharpest images. This paper provides a quick overview of the AO capabilities of the future instruments to be deployed at the ELT, highlight some of the expected performance and describe a couple of technical challenges that are still to tackle for an optimal scientific use. This paper has been presented at the Societe Francaise dAstronomie et Astrophysique symposium in Bordeaux 2018, it is then naturally biased toward the French contribution for the ELT.
We present preliminary source counts at 6.7um and 15um from the Preliminary Analysis of the European Large Area ISO survey, with limiting flux densities of ~2mJy at 15um & ~1mJy at 6.7um. We separate the stellar contribution from the extragalactic using identifications with APM sources made with the likelihood ratio technique. We quantify the completeness & reliability of our source extraction using (a) repeated observations over small areas, (b) cross-IDs with stars of known spectral type, (c) detections of the PSF wings around bright sources, (d) comparison with independent algorithms. Flux calibration at 15um was performed using stellar IDs; the calibration does not agree with the pre-flight estimates, probably due to effects of detector hysteresis and photometric aperture correction. The 6.7um extragalactic counts are broadly reproduced in the Pearson & Rowan-Robinson model, but the Franceschini et al. (1997) model underpredicts the observed source density by ~0.5-1 dex, though the photometry at 6.7um is still preliminary. At 15um the extragalactic counts are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the Pearson & Rowan-Robinson (1996), Franceschini et al. (1994), Guiderdoni et al. (1997) and the evolving models of Xu et al. (1998), over 7 orders of magnitude in 15um flux density. The counts agree with other estimates from the ISOCAM instrument at overlapping flux densities (Elbaz et al. 1999), provided a consistent flux calibration is used. Luminosity evolution at a rate of (1+z)^3, incorporating mid-IR spectral features, provides a better fit to the 15um differential counts than (1+z)^4 density evolution. No-evolution models are excluded, and implying that below around 10mJy at 15um the source counts become dominated by an evolving cosmological population of dust-shrouded starbursts and/or active galaxies.
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