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Phase slips play a primary role in dissipation across a wide spectrum of bosonic systems, from determining the critical velocity of superfluid helium to generating resistance in thin superconducting wires. This subject has also inspired much technological interest, largely motivated by applications involving nanoscale superconducting circuit elements, e.g., standards based on quantum phase-slip junctions. While phase slips caused by thermal fluctuations at high temperatures are well understood, controversy remains over the role of phase slips in small-scale superconductors. In solids, problems such as uncontrolled noise sources and disorder complicate the study and application of phase slips. Here we show that phase slips can lead to dissipation for a clean and well-characterized Bose-Hubbard (BH) system by experimentally studying transport using ultra-cold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. In contrast to previous work, we explore a low velocity regime described by the 3D BH model which is not affected by instabilities, and we measure the effect of temperature on the dissipation strength. We show that the damping rate of atomic motion-the analogue of electrical resistance in a solid-in the confining parabolic potential fits well to a model that includes finite damping at zero temperature. The low-temperature behaviour is consistent with the theory of quantum tunnelling of phase slips, while at higher temperatures a cross-over consistent with the transition to thermal activation of phase slips is evident. Motion-induced features reminiscent of vortices and vortex rings associated with phase slips are also observed in time-of-flight imaging.
We investigate the optimal quantum state for an atomic gyroscope based on a three-site Bose-Hubbard model. In previous studies, various states such as the uncorrelated state, the BAT state and the NOON state are employed as the probe states to estimate the phase uncertainty. In this article, we present a Hermitian operator $mathcal{H}$ and an equivalent unitary parametrization transformation to calculate the quantum Fisher information for any initial states. Exploiting this equivalent unitary parametrization transformation, we can seek the optimal state which gives the maximal quantum Fisher information on both lossless and lossy conditions. As a result, we find that the entangled even squeezed state (EESS) can significantly enhance the precision for moderate loss rates.
We study the role played by the magnetic dipole interaction in an atomic interferometer based on an alkali Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable scattering length. We tune the s-wave interaction to zero using a magnetic Feshbach resonance and measure the decoherence of the interferometer induced by the weak residual interaction between the magnetic dipoles of the atoms. We prove that with a proper choice of the scattering length it is possible to compensate for the dipolar interaction and extend the coherence time of the interferometer. We put in evidence the anisotropic character of the dipolar interaction by working with two different experimental configurations for which the minima of decoherence are achieved for a positive and a negative value of the scattering length, respectively. Our results are supported by a theoretical model we develop. This model indicates that the magnetic dipole interaction should not represent a serious source of decoherence in atom interferometers based on Bose-Einstein condensates.
The stability of the superconducting dissipationless and resistive states in single-crystalline NbSe2 nanobelts is characterized by transport measurements in an external magnetic field (H). Current-driven electrical measurements show voltage steps, indicating the nucleation of phase-slip structures. Well below the critical temperature, the position of the voltage steps exhibits a sharp, periodic dependence as a function of H. This phenomenon is discussed in the context of two possible mechanisms: the interference of the order parameter and the periodic rearrangement of the vortex lattice within the nanobelt.
We describe a recent experiment performed with rubidium atoms ($^{87}$Rb), aiming at studying the coherence properties of a two-dimensional gas of bosonic particles at low temperature. We have observed in particular a Berezinskii--Kosterlitz--Thouless (BKT) type crossover in the system, using a matter wave heterodyning technique. At low temperatures, the gas is quasi-coherent on the length scale set by the system size. As the temperature is increased, the loss of long-range coherence coincides with the onset of the proliferation of free vortices, in agreement with the microscopic BKT theory.
The extended Bose-Hubbard model captures the essential properties of a wide variety of physical systems including ultracold atoms and molecules in optical lattices, Josephson junction arrays, and certain narrow band superconductors. It exhibits a rich phase diagram including a supersolid phase where a lattice solid coexists with a superfluid. We use quantum Monte Carlo to study the supersolid part of the phase diagram of the extended Bose-Hubbard model on the simple cubic lattice. We add disorder to the extended Bose-Hubbard model and find that the maximum critical temperature for the supersolid phase tends to be suppressed by disorder. But we also find a narrow parameter window in which the supersolid critical temperature is enhanced by disorder. Our results show that supersolids survive a moderate amount of spatial disorder and thermal fluctuations in the simple cubic lattice.