Cold Dark Matter Substructure and Galactic Disks I: Morphological Signatures of Hierarchical Satellite Accretion

Abstract in English

(Abridged) We conduct a series of high-resolution, dissipationless N-body simulations to investigate the cumulative effect of substructure mergers onto thin disk galaxies in the context of the LCDM paradigm of structure formation. Our simulation campaign is based on a hybrid approach. Substructure properties are culled directly from cosmological simulations of galaxy-sized cold dark matter (CDM) halos. In contrast to what can be inferred from statistics of the present-day substructure populations, accretions of massive subhalos onto the central regions of host halos, where the galactic disk resides, since z~1 should be common occurrences. One host halo merger history is subsequently used to seed controlled numerical experiments of repeated satellite impacts on an initially-thin Milky Way-type disk galaxy. We show that these accretion events produce several distinctive observational signatures in the stellar disk including: a ring-like feature in the outskirts; a significant flare; a central bar; and faint filamentary structures that (spuriously) resemble tidal streams. The final distribution of disk stars exhibits a complex vertical structure that is well-described by a standard ``thin-thick disk decomposition. We conclude that satellite-disk encounters of the kind expected in LCDM models can induce morphological features in galactic disks that are similar to those being discovered in the Milky Way, M31, and in other disk galaxies. These results highlight the significant role of CDM substructure in setting the structure of disk galaxies and driving galaxy evolution. Upcoming galactic structure surveys and astrometric satellites may be able to distinguish between competing cosmological models by testing whether the detailed structure of galactic disks is as excited as predicted by the CDM paradigm.
