Local dynamics and gravitational collapse of a self-gravitating magnetized Fermi gas

Abstract in English

We use the Bianchi-I spacetime to study the local dynamics of a magnetized self-gravitating Fermi gas. The set of Einstein-Maxwell field equations for this gas becomes a dynamical system in a 4-dimensional phase space. We consider a qualitative study and examine numeric solutions for the degenerate zero temperature case. All dynamic quantities exhibit similar qualitative behavior in the 3-dimensional sections of the phase space, with all trajectories reaching a stable attractor whenever the initial expansion scalar H_{0} is negative. If H_{0} is positive, and depending on initial conditions, the trajectories end up in a curvature singularity that could be isotropic(singular point) or anisotropic (singular line). In particular, for a sufficiently large initial value of the magnetic field it is always possible to obtain an anisotropic type of singularity in which the line points in the same direction of the field.
