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One of the possible low-energy consequences of string theory is the addition of a Chern-Simons term to the standard Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity. It can be argued that the quintessence field should couple to this Chern-Simons term, and if so, it drives in the linearized theory a parity-violating interaction between the gravito-electric and gravitomagnetic fields. In this paper, the linearized spacetime for Chern-Simons gravity around a massive spinning body is found to include new modifications to the gravitomagnetic field that have not appeared in previous work. The orbits of test bodies and the precession of gyroscopes in this spacetime are calculated, leading to new constraints on the Chern-Simons parameter space due to current satellite experiments.
We show that conformal Chern-Simons gravity in three dimensions has various holographic descriptions. They depend on the boundary conditions on the conformal equivalence class and the Weyl factor, even when the former is restricted to asymptotic Anti-deSitter behavior. For constant or fixed Weyl factor our results agree with a suitable scaling limit of topologically massive gravity results. For varying Weyl factor we find an enhancement of the asymptotic symmetry group, the details of which depend on certain choices. We focus on a particular example where an affine u(1) algebra related to holomorphic Weyl rescalings shifts one of the central charges by 1. The Weyl factor then behaves as a free chiral boson in the dual conformal field theory.
This paper is withdrawn because its results have been previously reported in arxiv hep-th/0507200.
The combined effects of the Lorentz-symmetry violating Chern-Simons and Ricci-Cotton actions are investigated for the Einstein-Hilbert gravity in the second order formalism modified by higher derivative terms, and their consequences on the spectrum of excitations are analyzed. We follow the lines of previous works and build up an orthonormal basis of operators that splits the fundamental fields according to their individual degrees of freedom. With this new basis, the attainment of the propagators is remarkably simplified and the identification of the physical and unphysical modes gets a new insight. Our conclusion is that the only tachyon- and ghost-free model is the Einstein-Hilbert action added up by the Chern-Simons term with a time-like vector of the type $v^{mu} = (mu,vec{0})$. Spectral consistency imposes taht the Ricci-Cotton term must be switched off. We then infer that gravity with Lorentz-symmetry violation imposes a drastically different constraint on the background if compared to usual gauge theories whenever conditions for suppression of tachyons and ghosts are required.
The gravitational memory effects of Chern-Simons modified gravity are considered in the asymptotically flat spacetime. If the Chern-Simons scalar does not directly couple with the ordinary matter fields, there are also displacement, spin and center-of-mass memory effects as in general relativity. This is because the term of the action that violates the parity invariance is linear in the scalar field but quadratic in the curvature tensor. This results in the parity violation occuring at the higher orders in the inverse luminosity radius. The scalar field does not induce any new memory effects that can be detected by interferometers or pulsar timing arrays. The asymptotic symmetry is group is also the extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. The constraints on the memory effects excited by the tensor modes are obtained.
We obtain a family of $pp$-wave solutions of Minimal Massive 3d Gravity (MMG) minimally coupled with the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. The simultaneous solutions of the MMG and the Maxwell field equations require that the Maxwell field should satisfy an anti-self-duality condition.