Room temperature spin filtering in epitaxial cobalt-ferrite tunnel barriers

Abstract in English

We report direct experimental evidence of room temperature spin filtering in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) containing CoFe2O4 tunnel barriers via tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) measurements. Pt(111)/CoFe2O4(111)/gamma-Al2O3(111)/Co(0001) fully epitaxial MTJs were grown in order to obtain a high quality system, capable of functioning at room temperature. Spin polarized transport measurements reveal significant TMR values of -18% at 2 K and -3% at 290 K. In addition, the TMR ratio follows a unique bias voltage dependence that has been theoretically predicted to be the signature of spin filtering in MTJs containing magnetic barriers. CoFe2O4 tunnel barriers therefore provide a model system to investigate spin filtering in a wide range of temperatures.
