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Stepwise Quenching of Exciton Fluorescence in Carbon Nanotubes by Single Molecule Reactions

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 Added by Laurent Cognet
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Single-molecule chemical reactions with individual single-walled carbon nanotubes were observed through near-infrared photoluminescence microscopy. The emission intensity within distinct submicrometer segments of single nanotubes changes in discrete steps after exposure to acid, base, or diazonium reactants. The steps are uncorrelated in space and time, and reflect the quenching of mobile excitons at localized sites of reversible or irreversible chemical attack. Analysis of step amplitudes reveals an exciton diffusional range of about 90 nanometers, independent of nanotube structure. Each exciton visits approximately 104 atomic sites during its lifetime, providing highly efficient sensing of local chemical and physical perturbations.

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Single-nanotube photometry was used to measure the product of absorption cross-section and fluorescence quantum yield for 12 (n,m) structural species of semiconducting SWNTs in aqueous SDBS suspension. These products ranged from 1.7 to 4.5 x 10(-19) cm2/C atom, generally increasing with optical band gap as described by the energy gap law. The findings suggest fluorescent quantum yields of ~8% for the brightest, (10,2) species and introduce the empirical calibration factors needed to deduce quantitative (n,m) distributions from bulk fluorimetric intensities.
Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is an important tool in biomedical research for its ability to discern features smaller than the diffraction limit. However, due to its difficult implementation and high cost, the universal application of super-resolution microscopy is not feasible. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a new kind of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy that can be easily implemented and requires neither additional hardware nor complex post-processing. The microscopy is based on the principle of stepwise optical saturation (SOS), where $M$ steps of raw fluorescence images are linearly combined to generate an image with a $sqrt{M}$-fold increase in resolution compared with conventional diffraction-limited images. For example, linearly combining (scaling and subtracting) two images obtained at regular powers extends resolution by a factor of $1.4$ beyond the diffraction limit. The resolution improvement in SOS microscopy is theoretically infinite but practically is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio. We perform simulations and experimentally demonstrate super-resolution microscopy with both one-photon (confocal) and multiphoton excitation fluorescence. We show that with the multiphoton modality, the SOS microscopy can provide super-resolution imaging deep in scattering samples.
167 - S. Berger 2007
We study the excitonic recombination dynamics in an ensemble of (9,4) semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes by high sensitivity time-resolved photo-luminescence experiments. Measurements from cryogenic to room temperature allow us to identify two main contributions to the recombination dynamics. The initial fast decay is temperature independent and is attributed to the presence of small residual bundles that create external non-radiative relaxation channels. The slow component shows a strong temperature dependence and is dominated by non-radiative processes down to 40 K. We propose a quantitative phenomenological modeling of the variations of the integrated photoluminescence intensity over the whole temperature range. We show that the luminescence properties of carbon nanotubes at room temperature are not affected by the dark/bright excitonic state coupling.
442 - Stephane Berciaud 2007
Current methods for producing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) lead to heterogeneous samples containing mixtures of metallic and semiconducting species with a variety of lengths and defects. Optical detection at the single nanotube level should thus offer the possibility to examine these heterogeneities provided that both SWNT species are equally well detected. Here, we used photothermal heterodyne detection to record absorption images and spectra of individual SWNTs. Because this photothermal method relies only on light absorption, it readily detects metallic nanotubes as well as the emissive semiconducting species. The first and second optical transitions in individual semicontucting nanotubes have been probed. Comparison between the emission and absorption spectra of the lowest-lying optical transition reveal mainly small Stokes shifts. Side bands in the near-infrared absorption spectra are observed and assigned to exciton-phonon bound states. No such sidebands are detected around the lowest transition of metallic nanotubes.
We study theoretically the interactions of excitonic states with surface electromagnetic modes of small-diameter (~1 nm) semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes. We show that these interactions can result in strong exciton-surface-plasmon coupling. The exciton absorption lineshapes exhibit the line (Rabi) splitting $~0.1-0.3$ eV as the exciton energy is tuned to the nearest interband surface plasmon resonance of the nanotube. We expect this effect to open a path to new optoelectronic device applications of semiconducting carbon nanotubes.
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