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A 1.4-GHz Arecibo Survey for Pulsars in Globular Clusters

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 Added by Jason W. T. Hessels
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have surveyed all 22 known Galactic globular clusters observable with the Arecibo radio telescope and within 70kpc of the Sun for radio pulsations at ~1.4GHz. Data were taken with the Wideband Arecibo Pulsar Processor, which provided the large bandwidth and high time and frequency resolution needed to detect fast-spinning, faint pulsars. We have also employed advanced search techniques to maintain sensitivity to short orbital period binaries. These searches have discovered 11 new millisecond pulsars and 2 promising candidates in 5 clusters, almost doubling the population of pulsars in the Arecibo-visible globular clusters. Ten of these new pulsars are in binary systems, and 3 are eclipsing. This survey has discovered significantly more very fast-spinning pulsars (P_spin <~ 4ms) and short orbital period systems (P_orb <~ 6hr) than previous surveys of the same clusters. We discuss some properties of these systems, as well as some characteristics of the globular cluster pulsar population in general, particularly its luminosity distribution.

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We report on an Arecibo 4.5-GHz polarimetric single-pulse survey of the brightest pulsars at high frequency within its sky. The high frequency profiles are accompanied by a collection of both previously published and unpublished high quality 1.4- and 0.33-GHz observations. Here our analyses and discussion primarily involve the average and statistical properties of the 46 pulsars polarimetric pulse sequences, profile classification and frequency evolution, and polarimetric profiles and peak-occurrence histograms. In most cases both the fractional linear polarization and profile widths decrease with frequency as expected, but there are some exceptions. Similarly, we were able to review and/or extend the profile classifications for this population of pulsars and work out their beaming characteristics quantitatively showing that almost all show properties compatible with the core/double-cone emission beam model. The entirety of these observations average profiles are accessible for download.
We present the discovery of 24 pulsars in 15 Globular Clusters (GCs) using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). These include the first pulsar discoveries in M2, M10, and M14. Most of the new systems are either confirmed or likely members of binary systems. M53C, NGC6517H and I are the only three pulsars confirmed to be isolated. M14A is a black widow pulsar with an orbital period of 5.5 hours and a minimum companion mass of 0.016 Ms. M14E is an eclipsing binary pulsar with an orbital period of 20.3 hours. With the other 8 discoveries that have been reported elsewhere, in total 32 GC pulsars have been discovered by FAST so far. In addition, We detected M3A twice. This was enough to determine that it is a black widow pulsar with an orbital period of 3.3 hours and a minimum companion mass of 0.0125 Ms.
We report on eight millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in binary systems discovered with the Arecibo PALFA survey. Phase-coherent timing solutions derived from 2.5 to 5 years of observations carried out at Arecibo and Jodrell Bank observatories are provided. PSR J1921+1929 is a 2.65-ms pulsar in a 39.6-day orbit for which we detect $gamma$-ray pulsations in archival Fermi data. PSR J1928+1245 is a very low-mass-function system with an orbital period of 3.3 hours that belongs to the non-eclipsing black widow population. We also present PSR J1932+1756, the longest-orbital-period (41.5 days) intermediate-mass binary pulsar known to date. In light of the numerous discoveries of binary MSPs over the past years, we characterize the Galactic distribution of known MSP binaries in terms of binary class. Our results support and strengthen previous claims that the scatter in the Galactic scale height distribution correlates inversely with the binary mass function. We provide evidence of observational biases against detecting the most recycled pulsars near the Galactic plane, which overestimates the scale height of lighter systems. A possible bimodality in the mass function of MSPs with massive white dwarfs is also reported.
Globular clusters are highly efficient radio pulsar factories. These pulsars can be used as precision probes of the clusters structure, gas content, magnetic field, and formation history; some of them are also highly interesting in their own right because they probe exotic stellar evolution scenarios as well as the physics of dense matter, accretion, and gravity. Deep searches with SKA1-MID and SKA1-LOW will plausibly double to triple the known population. Such searches will only require one to a few tied-array beams, and can be done during early commissioning of the telescope - before an all-sky pulsar survey using hundreds to thousands of tied-array beams is feasible. With SKA2 it will be possible to observe most of the active radio pulsars within a large fraction of the Galactic globular clusters, an estimated population of 600 - 3700 observable pulsars (those beamed towards us). This rivals the total population of millisecond pulsars that can be found in the Galactic field; fully characterizing it will provide the best-possible physical laboratories as well as a rich dynamical history of the Galactic globular cluster system.
Over a hundred millisecond radio pulsars (MSPs) have been observed in globular clusters (GCs), motivating theoretical studies of the formation and evolution of these sources through stellar evolution coupled to stellar dynamics. Here we study MSPs in GCs using realistic $N$-body simulations with our Cluster Monte Carlo code. We show that neutron stars (NSs) formed in electron-capture supernovae (including both accretion-induced and merger-induced collapse of white dwarfs) can be spun up through mass transfer to form MSPs. Both NS formation and spin-up through accretion are greatly enhanced through dynamical interaction processes. We find that our models for average GCs at the present day with masses $approx 2 times 10^5,M_odot$ can produce up to $10-20$ MSPs, while a very massive GC model with mass $approx 10^6,M_odot$ can produce close to $100$. We show that the number of MSPs is anti-correlated with the total number of stellar-mass black holes (BHs) retained in the host cluster. The radial distributions are also affected: MSPs are more concentrated towards the center in a host cluster with a smaller number of retained BHs. As a result, the number of MSPs in a GC could be used to place constraints on its BH population. Some intrinsic properties of MSP systems in our models (such as the magnetic fields and spin periods) are in good overall agreement with observations, while others (such as the distribution of binary companion types) less so, and we discuss the possible reasons for such discrepancies. Interestingly, our models also demonstrate the possibility of dynamically forming NS--NS and NS--BH binaries in GCs, although the predicted numbers are very small.
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