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Nonlinear Dynamics of the 3D Pendulum

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 Added by Melvin Leok
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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A 3D pendulum consists of a rigid body, supported at a fixed pivot, with three rotational degrees of freedom. The pendulum is acted on by a gravitational force. Symmetry assumptions are shown to lead to the planar 1D pendulum and to the spherical 2D pendulum models as special cases. The case where the rigid body is asymmetric and the center of mass is distinct from the pivot location leads to the 3D pendulum. Full and reduced 3D pendulum models are introduced and used to study important features of the nonlinear dynamics: conserved quantities, equilibria, invariant manifolds, local dynamics near equilibria and invariant manifolds, and the presence of chaotic motions. These results demonstrate the rich and complex dynamics of the 3D pendulum.

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416 - Lian-Gang Li 2012
The pendulum, in the presence of linear dissipation and a constant torque, is a non-integrable, nonlinear differential equation. In this paper, using the idea of rotated vector fields, derives the relation between the applied force $beta$ and the periodic solution, and a conclusion that the critical value of $beta$ is a fixed one in the over damping situation. These results are of practical significance in the study of charge-density waves in physics.
77 - J. Qiuhan 2020
We investigate the nonlinear effect of a pendulum with the upper end fixed to an elastic rod which is only allowed to vibrate horizontally. The pendulum will start rotating and trace a delicate stationary pattern when released without initial angular momentum. We explain it as amplitude modulation due to nonlinear coupling between the two degrees of freedom. Though the phenomenon of conversion between radial and azimuthal oscillations is common for asymmetric pendulums, nonlinear coupling between the two oscillations is usually overlooked. In this paper, we build a theoretical model and obtain the pendulums equations of motion. The pendulums motion patterns are solved numerically and analytically using the method of multiple scales. In the analytical solution, the modulation period not only depends on the dynamical parameters, but also on the pendulums initial releasing positions, which is a typical nonlinear behavior. The analytical approximate solutions are supported by numerical results. This work provides a good demonstration as well as a research project of nonlinear dynamics on different levels from high school to undergraduate students.
We provide an exact infinite power series solution that describes the trajectory of a nonlinear simple pendulum undergoing librating and rotating motion for all time. Although the series coefficients were previously given in [V. Fairen, V. Lopez, and L. Conde, Am. J. Phys 56 (1), (1988), pp. 57-61], the series itself -- as well as the optimal location about which an expansion should be chosen to assure series convergence and maximize the domain of convergence -- was not examined, and is provided here. By virtue of its representation as an elliptic function, the pendulum function has singularities that lie off of the real axis in the complex time plane. This, in turn, imposes a radius of convergence on the physical problem in real time. By choosing the expansion point at the top of the trajectory, the power series converges all the way to the bottom of the trajectory without being affected by these singularities. In constructing the series solution, we re-derive the coefficients using an alternative approach that generalizes to other nonlinear problems of mathematical physics. Additionally, we provide an exact resummation of the pendulum series -- Motivated by the asymptotic approximant method given in [Barlow et al., Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 70 (1) (2017), pp. 21-48] -- that accelerates the series convergence uniformly from the top to the bottom of the trajectory. We also provide an accelerated exact resummation of the infinite series representation for the elliptic integral used in calculating the period of a pendulums trajectory. This allows one to preserve analyticity in the use of the period to extend the pendulum series for all time via symmetry.
In the present paper, the nonlinear differential equation of pendulum is investigated to find an exact closed form solution, satisfying governing equation as well as initial conditions. The new concepts used in the suggested method are introduced. Regarding the fact that the governing equation for any arbitrary system represents its inherent properties, it is shown that the nonlinear term causes that the system to have a variable identity. Hence, the original function is included as a variable in the solution to can take into account the variation of governing equation. To find the exact closed form solution, the variation of the nonlinear differential equation tends to zero, where in this case the system with a local linear differential equation has a definite identity with a definite local answer. It is shown that the general answer is an arbitrary curve on a surface, a newly developed concept known as super function, and different initial conditions give different curves as particular solutions. The comparison of the results with those of finite difference shows an exact agreement for any arbitrary amplitude and initial conditions.
We prove that the Sierpinski curve admits a homeomorphism with strong mixing properties. We also prove that the constructed example does not have Bowens specification property.
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