The Search for $ u_mu to u_e$ Oscillations at MiniBooNE

Abstract in English

MiniBooNE (Mini Booster Neutrino Experiment) searches for the $ u_muto u_e$ oscillations with $Delta m^2 sim 1 eV^2/c^4$ indicated by the LSND experiment. The LSND evidence, when taken with the solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations, suggests new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, this evidence has not been confirmed by other experiments. MiniBooNE has completed its first $ u_muto u_e$ oscillation search using a sample of $sim 1$ GeV neutrino events obtained with $5.58times 10^{20}$ protons delivered to the Booster Neutrino Beamline. The analysis finds no significant excess of $ u_e$ events in the analysis region of 475-3000 MeV.
