Products of Brauer Severi surfaces

Abstract in English

Let ${P_i}_{1 leq i leq r}$ and ${Q_i}_{1 leq i leq r}$ be two collections of Brauer Severi surfaces (resp. conics) over a field $k$. We show that the subgroup generated by the $P_is$ in $Br(k)$ is the same as the subgroup generated by the $Q_is$ iff $Pi P_i $ is birational to $Pi Q_i$. Moreover in this case $Pi P_i$ and $Pi Q_i$ represent the same class in $M(k)$, the Grothendieck ring of $k$-varieties. The converse holds if $char(k)=0$. Some of the above implications also hold over a general noetherian base scheme.
