Characterizing the Low-Redshift Intergalactic Medium towards PKS1302-102

Abstract in English

We present a detailed analysis of the intergalactic metal-line absorption systems in the archival HST/STIS and FUSE ultraviolet spectra of the low-redshift quasar PKS1302-102 (z_QSO = 0.2784). We supplement the archive data with CLOUDY ionization models and a survey of galaxies in the quasar field. There are 15 strong Lya absorbers with column densities logN_HI > 14. Of these, six are associated with at least CIII 977 absorption (logN(C^++) > 13); this implies a redshift density dN_CIII/dz = 36+13/-9 (68% confidence limits) for the five detections with rest equivalent width W_r > 50 mA. Two systems show OVI 1031,1037 absorption in addition to CIII (logN(O^+5) > 14). One is a partial Lyman limit system (logN_HI = 17) with associated CIII, OVI, and SiIII 1206 absorption. There are three tentative OVI systems that do not have CIII detected. For one OVI doublet with both lines detected at 3 sigma with W_r > 50 mA, dN_OVI/dz = 7+9/-4. We also search for OVI doublets without Lya absorption but identify none. From CLOUDY modeling, these metal-line systems have metallicities spanning the range -4 < [M/H] < -0.3. The two OVI systems with associated CIII absorption cannot be single-phase, collisionally-ionized media based on the relative abundances of the metals and kinematic arguments. From the galaxy survey, we discover that the absorption systems are in a diverse set of galactic environments. Each metal-line system has at least one galaxy within 500 km/s and 600 h^-1 kpc with L > 0.1 L_*.
