A Cross-disciplinary Framework for the Description of Contextually Mediated Change

Abstract in English

We present a mathematical framework (referred to as Context-driven Actualization of Potential, or CAP) for describing how entities change over time under the influence of a context. The approach facilitates comparison of change of state of entities studied in different disciplines. Processes are seen to differ according to the degree of nondeterminism, and the degree to which they are sensitive to, internalize, and depend upon a particular context. Our analysis suggests that the dynamical evolution of a quantum entity described by the Schrodinger equation is not fundamentally different from change provoked by a measurement often referred to as collapse, but a limiting case, with only one way to collapse. The biological transition to coded replication is seen as a means of preserving structure in the fact of context-driven change, and sextual replication as a means of increasing potentiality thus enhancing diversity through interaction with context. The framework sheds light on concepts like selection and fitness, reveals how exceptional Darwinian evolution is as a means of change of state, and clarifies in what sense culture, and the creative process underlying it, are Darwinian.
