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Gaussian number-squeezed states for sub-shot-noise interferometery in double-well Bose-Einstein condensates

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 Added by Michael G. Moore
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This paper has been withdrawn. It is based on numerical results limited by computing resources to N=3000 atoms. Using a newly understood geometric method we find that the observed scaling with N saturates at around N=7000 or even higher. In light of this new finding we withdraw the paper and will submit a revised manuscript reflecting our new understanding.

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Dynamical properties of the Bose-Einstein condensate in double-well potential subject to Gaussian white noise are investigated by numerically solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The Gaussian white noise is used to describe influence of the random environmental disturbance on the double-well condensate. Dynamical evolutions from three different initial states, the Josephson oscillation state, the running phase and $pi$-mode macroscopic quantum self-trapping states are considered. It is shown that the system is rather robust with respect to the weak noise whose strength is small and change rate is high. If the evolution time is sufficiently long, the weak noise will finally drive the system to evolve from high energy states to low energy states, but in a manner rather different from the energy-dissipation effect. In presence of strong noise with either large strength or slow change rate, the double-well condensate may exhibit very irregular dynamical behaviors.
422 - Y. P. Huang , M. G. Moore 2008
A Mach-Zender interferometer with a gaussian number-difference squeezed input state can exhibit sub-shot-noise phase resolution over a large phase-interval. We obtain the optimal level of squeezing for a given phase-interval $Deltatheta_0$ and particle number $N$, with the resulting phase-estimation uncertainty smoothly approaching $3.5/N$ as $Deltatheta_0$ approaches 10/N, achieved with highly squeezed states near the Fock regime. We then analyze an adaptive measurement scheme which allows any phase on $(-pi/2,pi/2)$ to be measured with a precision of $3.5/N$ requiring only a few measurements, even for very large $N$. We obtain an asymptotic scaling law of $Deltathetaapprox (2.1+3.2ln(ln(N_{tot}tanDeltatheta_0)))/N_{tot}$, resulting in a final precision of $approx 10/N_{tot}$. This scheme can be readily implemented in a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate system, as the optimal input states can be obtained by adiabatic manipulation of the double-well ground state.
We investigate dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in a complex external double-well potential that features a combined parity and time-reversal symmetry. On the basis of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the effects of the long-ranged anisotropic dipole-dipole interaction on ground and excited states by the use of a time-dependent variational approach. We show that the property of a similar non-dipolar condensate to possess real energy eigenvalues in certain parameter ranges is preserved despite the inclusion of this nonlinear interaction. Furthermore, we present states that break the PT symmetry and investigate the stability of the distinct stationary solutions. In our dynamical simulations we reveal a complex stabilization mechanism for PT-symmetric, as well as for PT-broken states which are, in principle, unstable with respect to small perturbations.
We develop a scheme to generate number squeezing in a Bose-Einstein condensate by utilizing interference between two hyperfine levels and nonlinear atomic interactions. We describe the scheme using a multimode quantum field model and find agreement with a simple analytic model in certain regimes. We demonstrate that the scheme gives strong squeezing for realistic choices of parameters and atomic species. The number squeezing can result in noise well below the quantum limit, even if the initial noise on the system is classical and much greater than that of a poisson distribution.
We provide a scheme for the generation of controlled entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensates in multiple wells, and also provide a novel method for the creation of squeezed states without severe adiabatic constraints on barrier heights. The condensate in a multiple well trap can be evolved, starting with a specific initial phase difference between the neighboring wells, to a tunable entangled state or a squeezed state. We propose a general formula for the initial phase difference between the neighboring wells that is valid for any number of wells, even and odd.
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