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Localization of injective modules over arithmetical rings

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 Added by Francois Couchot
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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It is proved that localizations of injective $R$-modules of finite Goldie dimension are injective if $R$ is an arithmetical ring satisfying the following condition: for every maximal ideal $P$, $R_P$ is either coherent or not semicoherent. If, in addition, each finitely generated $R$-module has finite Goldie dimension, then localizations of finitely injective $R$-modules are finitely injective too. Moreover, if $R$ is a Prufer domain of finite character, localizations of injective $R$-modules are injective.

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175 - Francois Couchot 2015
Let R be a ring (not necessarily commutative). A left R-module is said to be cotorsion if Ext 1 R (G, M) = 0 for any flat R-module G. It is well known that each pure-injective left R-module is cotorsion, but the converse does not hold: for instance, if R is left perfect but not left pure-semisimple then each left R-module is cotorsion but there exist non-pure-injective left modules. The aim of this paper is to describe the class C of commutative rings R for which each cotorsion R-module is pure-injective. It is easy to see that C contains the class of von Neumann regular rings and the one of pure-semisimple rings. We prove that C is strictly contained in the class of locally pure-semisimple rings. We state that a commutative ring R belongs to C if and only if R verifies one of the following conditions: (1) R is coherent and each pure-essential extension of R-modules is essential; (2) R is coherent and each RD-essential extension of R-modules is essential; (3) any R-module M is pure-injective if and only if Ext 1 R (R/A, M) = 0 for each pure ideal A of R (Baers criterion).
232 - Francois Couchot 2011
It is proven each ring $R$ for which every indecomposable right module is pure-projective is right pure-semisimple. Each commutative ring $R$ for which every indecomposable module is pure-injective is a clean ring and for each maximal ideal $P$, $R_P$ is a maximal valuation ring. Complete discrete valuation domain of rank one are examples of non-artinian semi-perfect rings with pure-injective indecomposable modules.
194 - Francois Couchot 2011
It is proven that each indecomposable injective module over a valuation domain $R$ is polyserial if and only if each maximal immediate extension $widehat{R}$ of $R$ is of finite rank over the completion $widetilde{R}$ of $R$ in the $R$-topology. In this case, for each indecomposable injective module $E$, the following invariants are finite and equal: its Malcev rank, its Fleischer rank and its dual Goldie dimension. Similar results are obtained for chain rings satisfying some additional properties. It is also shown that each indecomposable injective module over one Krull-dimensional local Noetherian rings has finite Malcev rank. The preservation of Goldie dimension finiteness by localization is investigated too.
227 - Rongmin Zhu , Zhongkui Liu , 2014
Let $A$ and $B$ be rings, $U$ a $(B, A)$-bimodule and $T=left(begin{smallmatrix} A & 0 U & B end{smallmatrix}right)$ be the triangular matrix ring. In this paper, we characterize the Gorenstein homological dimensions of modules over $T$, and discuss when a left $T$-module is strongly Gorenstein projective or strongly Gorenstein injective module.
Let $T=left( begin{array}{cc} R & M 0 & S end{array} right) $ be a triangular matrix ring with $R$ and $S$ rings and $_RM_S$ an $R$-$S$-bimodule. We describe Gorenstein projective modules over $T$. In particular, we refine a result of Enochs, Cort{e}s-Izurdiaga and Torrecillas [Gorenstein conditions over triangular matrix rings, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218 (2014), no. 8, 1544-1554]. Also, we consider when the recollement of $mathbb{D}^b(T{text-} Mod)$ restricts to a recollement of its subcategory $mathbb{D}^b(T{text-} Mod)_{fgp}$ consisting of complexes with finite Gorenstein projective dimension. As applications, we obtain recollements of the stable category $underline{T{text-} GProj}$ and recollements of the Gorenstein defect category $mathbb{D}_{def}(T{text-} Mod)$.
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