Dust covering factor, silicate emission and star formation in luminous QSOs

Abstract in English

We present Spitzer IRS low resolution, mid-IR spectra of a sample of 25 high luminosity QSOs at 2<z<3.5. When combined with archival IRS observations of local, low luminosity type-I AGNs, the sample spans five orders of magnitude in luminosity. We find that the continuum dust thermal emission at lambda(rest)=6.7um is correlated with the optical luminosity, following the non-linear relation L(6.7um) propto L(5100A)^0.82. We also find an anti correlation between the ratio L(6.7um)/L(5100A) and the [OIII]5007A line luminosity. These effects are interpreted as a decreasing covering factor of the circumnuclear dust as a function of luminosity. Such a result is in agreement with the decreasing fraction of absorbed AGNs as a function of luminosity recently found in various surveys. We clearly detect the silicate emission feature in the average spectrum, but also in four individual objects. These are the Silicate emission in the most luminous objects obtained so far. When combined with the silicate emission observed in local, low luminosity type-I AGNs, we find that the silicate emission strength is correlated with luminosity. The silicate strength of all type-I AGNs also follows a positive correlation with the black hole mass and with the accretion rate. The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features, expected from starburst activity, are not detected in the average spectrum of luminous, high-z QSOs. The upper limit inferred from the average spectrum points to a ratio between PAH luminosity and QSO optical luminosity significantly lower than observed in lower luminosity AGNs, implying that the correlation between star formation rate and AGN power saturates at high luminosities.
